The CUNY CUE Conference was a smashing success! We heard all around good feedback which included how organized the Conference was. Major props to everyone who helped during the CUE Conference. I was also happy with how the day went. I was granted with the duty of capturing this amazing event. Though I have put it in my mental shopping list to buy myself a bigger memory card for my camera. I was running on a 4 GB memory card for an 8 to 4 event. Any photographers out there reading that line knows how crazy that sounded. I had to run back and forth to our laptop to offload images off the camera. As crazy as that sounds, it wasn’t that bad. Every time I went back to the staff room, I was able to just take a seat and breathe for a couple of minutes while my images were transferring into our computer. As confidently as I may have said that, by the end of the day my feet were hurting, and I was ready to hibernate for the remainder of the semester.
The start of the day was very busy. The first presentation I had to go take pictures for was in the Theater. And I was taking all the shots I can possibly get my hands on. Then I remembered that I had a 4 GB memory card so occasionally I would sit down and delete some photos that didn’t look good. I’m sparing my future self from having to comb through it afterwards but there were some pictures that I was really proud of. Throughout the day I continued to take pictures of all the presentations that was happening. I couldn’t help but also end up paying attention to the presentations as well. There was this one presentation where they talked about how they incorporated art and fashion together. That probably spoke to me because I’m in art, but it was still nice to see. There was another presentation that caught my eye and unfortunately it caught my eye for the wrong reason. This presentation was in the afternoon and when I entered the room there was no one there but the presenter. The presenter had their slides up and then they said, “you don’t need to take any pictures, because there’s no presentation or anything exciting happening in here.” They said it with a hint of humor, but I still felt bad. I would have loved to sit there and watch their presentation but unfortunately, I had to be in another room that had a presentation the same time as them. Regardless, I sat down for a couple of minutes to chat with them. I think they would have given a great presentation.
As the day wounded down after that all we had left to do was clean up shop and get ready to go. Our design team reserved for a celebratory dinner afterwards. I was pretty drained out and I was ready to just go. But going to dinner with them gave me a kick of energy afterwards. Then, as we were leaving the restaurant, we saw a sunset and ended up walking towards it. When we approached the river, we saw the sunset hiding behind the clouds and the boats passing by, and I even saw the Statue of Liberty from a distance. One of my design team members couldn’t have said it better when she said that seeing this was very calming. I couldn’t agree more not only because of the nice scenery, but because it was the calm that we needed after the long day. My feet didn’t hurt as much after that.