Internship Journal Entry #5

I had recently met with my client to go over the promotional video, and I was glad to hear that they were happy with the direction that I was headed. After giving me a fair share of revisions, I left the meeting happy and ready to get back into the video. My other client on the other hand I was struggling to get to. We were working on the next seminar and the client had a very specific want for the outcome of the deliverables. I’ll confess that this made me slightly disgruntled. I enjoy working with my clients and I’m certainly not trying to raise a fuss, but after the client sent me the revisions for the flyer/poster I didn’t have that same joy to revise as I did for the promotional video with my other clients. So thankfully, I turned to my design team members for help on how to approach the edits that my client requested. They suggested that I take reference photos of what the client wanted and then work off that. After I did that and brought it into illustrator I started feeling better about the look of the flyer. After I sent the draft to my client, they enjoyed the new direction that I had taken the flyer as well. So I definitely owe my design team members a drink for their input.