David Valderrabano summary: An “American” Publishes a Magazine

In an ā€œAmericanā€ Ā publishes a magazine Wallace Shawn talks about Ā several pictures were Ā a few Soldiers were shown torturing and tormenting war prisoners. Wallace Ā proceeds to remark that no one in charge was punished for this actions because there was not enough reaction from the public. he also mentions that he doesn’t find politics in Washington very appealing to him but he recognizes that is because of the that he can lead a very nice life because of them. in his last point Wallace say that he doesn’t feel any particular loyalty for any place, apart from the planet as a hole. passports borders and laws on immigration hold no value in Wallace eyes because from his point of view he doesn’t believe that an American life is any more valuable anybody elseā€™s life.

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