winery and analysis blog assignment

I went to Tuthilltown Spirits Distillery, Visitor Center, and Restaurant, which located at 320 14 Grist Mill Lane, Gardiner, NY 12525 for my winery and analysis blog assignment. We drive for about 2 hours to attend this winery.

Tuthilltown Spirits Distillery is a whiskey winery that first used the distillation technology in the US. This winery use fruits and grains as raw materials, and without pigmented and flavors, it taste different with scotch whiskey. The whiskey make by Tuthilltown Spirits Distillery are contains a lot of raw materials, the wealth of raw materials makes the wine taste more mellow.

Tuthilltown Spirits Distillery is co-operation by Ralph J. Erenzo and his partner Brian Lee. Ralph J. Erenzo established the first distillery in 2001. But the winery was not operating very well until Brian Lee join in on 2004. Now, Tuthilltown Spirits Distillery is developing into a winery that can brewing whiskey, vodka and gin, and brandy instead of the one production line at the beginning.

Brandy in France is brewing with grapes but in this winery is brewing with apple. The raw materials of Scotch whiskey are wheat, yeast and water. But the special climate and the soil characteristics of the land make the harvest of the corn is more than the wheat, therefore the raw material of the whiskey are use the corn instead the wheat.

Fermentation after heated the polenta, the starch into the corn will change into the simple sugars. After fermentation for 4-5 days, it will have 10% of alcohol and then put them inside the distillation apparatus to repeatedly purification. We tasted the liquid that are purify, I feel kind of sweet, and can feel the smell of corn.o QQ图片20151202230613 QQ图片20151202225633 QQ图片20151202225630 QQ图片20151202225626 QQ图片20151202225622 QQ图片20151202225616


  • “History.” Tuthilltown Spirits RSS. N.p., 06 Dec. 2015. Web. 02 Dec. 2015
  • “Behind the Scenes at Tuthilltown Spirits Distillery in the Hudson Valley.” Behind the Scenes at Tuthilltown Spirits Distillery in the Hudson Valley. ERIN ZIMMER, 11 Nov. 2011. Web. 02 Dec. 2015.

retail beverage shop analysis

I went to Heights Chateau which local at 123 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn for the . When I enter the store, the staff was stand behind the front desk and I was told her about my objective and ask the permission to take photograph and the question about their wine store. After this, I was walking around the store and taking picture about the wine. The staff was very nice, and enthusiastic to answer my question. After I asked the staff the question, I know that they organized the wine by location, then by prices. The oldest wine in this wine store was 1995 and the youngest is 2015, which is from Australia, since Australia will make the wine on each March and April every years. But the wine store will not get the wine until the end of this years. And this wine store will keep their wine on tempter between 68-69 degree. And 55 degree downstairs on the cellar. When the staff serve their costumer the white wine, they would server it cooler that the red wine, and they serve the red wine for 59-60 degree.
