9 thoughts on “Concierge Assignment

  1. Jessica

    Hi Melaya,
    I really enjoyed your fun attitude throughout this video! (I had a hard time looking like I was having fun during my video)
    When was the Coney Island amusement park constructed?

      1. Melaya M Vaz-Paddyfoote

        Well the summer is always having the most turn out from the many events Coney Island has like hot dog eating contests, the mermaid parade, and some boardwalk events like the water wars and whatnot. The fall is also a really eventful time for Coney Island as they do have Halloween/Thanksgiving events in the amusement park.

    1. Melaya M Vaz-Paddyfoote

      Well the first amusement park in Coney Island was Called Sea Lion park in 1895 it is a funny name because sea lions used to hang out frequently by Coney Island, you can sometimes spot them today by the way.

  2. Pemba Dolma

    Hi Melaya, your presentation was informative. I am very impressed by the way you have done with all the gestures and pointing toward the picture with full confidence. I learned a lot from your presentation.

  3. Noe

    Very professional.What I liked about your presentation is that you can tell that you really gave it all you got.I for example could tell that you put a lot of work into your presentation

  4. Lola Marie

    Well done Melaya! I live the next town over, and I have not yet take the opportunity to explore Coney Island to the fullest. You’re so right, there’s truly a lot to do/see here.

  5. Lola Marie

    Well done Melaya! I live the next town over, and I have not yet take the opportunity to explore Coney Island to the fullest. You’re so right, there’s truly a lot to do/see here.


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