Electronic Profile

Greetings everyone,

Personality wise, you will find that I am adventurous in that I love to travel and try new things from food to activities and most importantly bake and organize. As a determined student, my academic goal is to graduate with the minimum of a 3.0 grade point average. Throughout this process I hope to learn new skills, techniques, methods, basics and complexities of the Hospitality Management career options to find my true calling. However as in individual and aspiring baker/ event planner, my plan is to ace school and start up my own business that includes different parts of Hospitality Management such as event planning, baking, and even cooking so that I can be well rounded. Among my hopes and dreams, I also hope to one day publish my own recipe book and signature dishes that not only portrays my culture but a little bit of everyone’s culture. Aside from creating my own recipes from scratch, to work towards my goals, I am currently working at a small Japanese restaurant as a server because in order to go from server to head chef and even owner, you have to understand how to do everyone’s job as well as how important each one is. In the past, most of my experience and inspiration came from my family who loves to throw parties and the things that go along with it such as event planning, baking and cooking. All in all, I want to create and be proud of what I created because others love it too.


Jade Jordan

1 thought on “Electronic Profile

  1. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Organization is an important trait of a baker. Writing a book is a fabulous ambition, start a journal now (though you may already have one) to ensure you capture the spirit of all you will learn, I bet it will make a significant contribution as you are about to meet so many people with so many different points of view, heritage and skill sets.


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