Destiny Kinloch

When I started college, I was very confused. I didn’t have any idea on what I wanted to do and college is very different from high school. My high school treated the students like babies and it was very easy to get high grades. So coming into college, I was very stressed out and unprepared. I recently started taking hospitality management classes because I want to work in a hotel or in a restaurant. I want to work in a business and eventually open up my own. But I never worked before so I don’t know what it feels like to work in a business and I think this major will teach me the skills to succeed in this field. Also I am from Brooklyn, New York and people from here are extremely underestimated. I want to make a difference and become a wealthy person. I am a hard worker so I will do what I need to do to achieve my goals but my patience is something that constantly brings me down. I want things to happen quick so I can have a good life as I get older but I know it takes hard work and dedication to achieve my dream.

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