

ENG 1101        English Composition I

ENG 1102        English Composition II

MAT 1272        Statistics

BIO 2311         Anat & Physio 1

BIO 2312         Anat & Physio 2         

BIO 3302         Microbiology 1      

BIO 3524         Nutrition

BIO 3526         Pathophysiology

PSY 1101         Intro To Psych           

MUS 103         Music and Western Civilazation

PSY 2300         Developmental Psych

PSY 2404         Personnel/Org Psych

ENG 1121        English Comp II

COM 1330       Public Speaking         

NUR 1010        Med Calc In Nursing

NUR 1030        Found.Of Caring

NUR 1110        Caring For Clients:1

NUR 1130        Caring For Clients:2

NUR 2110        Caring For Clients:3

NUR 2130        Caring For Clients:4

NUR 2210        Caring For Clients:5

NUR 2230        Caring For Clients:6

NUR 3010        Physical Assessment

NUR 3110        Mgt Of Patient Care

NUR 3130        Nursing Research

CHEM 1110     General Chemistry

NUR 4030        Nursing Case Management: Process and Role



 BIO 3526         Pathophysiology

NUR 4110        Comprehensive Client Care for Urban Health Issues

NUR 4130        Pro Nursing Practice