Genre (Rough Draft)

Topic Question- What should be the limitation or changes to American foreign policy?

I want to make a speech about American foreign policy and I want to grab the attention of young Americans who probably don’t know nothing about what’s going around the world. The main objective with this speech is too give these readers a better understanding on American involvement in world affairs.  So first I want start off by introducing myself just like in any ordinary speech. So I want talk about first about the events that’s going with American foreign policy and the effects that are having to other countries. Also go into more meaningful explanation about the effects and are the results good or bad? I would also ask my audience the question which is ” what do you see on tv or have you read anything about American involvement in foreign countries ?” So I would also give a brief explanation of how did we get here or in other words what have we’ve done in the past that would make the United States into a world superpower spreading our influence around the world. We talk about events such as both world wars and the cold war which was during the peak of American involvement . My audience should also understand of the political decisions that were made that would determine the military activity. I also want to address the concerns people are having with America’s current foreign policy or if there has to be any changes or changes that are necessary that we  would hopefully see improvements to American influence on foreign soil.  At the end of my speech I would basically summarize everything and hopefully give my audience the information that they want to know about Foreign policy.


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