Reflection( Final Portfolio )

From the first day of the semester until now I have improve myself as a writer overall . Learning new ways to go more in depth of my writing and make it interesting to my target audience. When it comes to writing about a certain topic the aim is not to bored the readers . By giving as much details as possible. But as always ask myself what do I do to become an even better writer .I’ve learned of how to search for articles and and explaining how it connects to my topic that way my readers are gonna get the info they want. I’m glad I was to learn new writing skills or techniques that can help me improve my writing and to improve myself as a writer .

When we first started unit one it was the  first challenge that I’ve been tested on and unit one teached me about the first steps of towards becoming a better writer  since this the first time that I have put these these new writing strategies onto my first major writing assignment. My Unit One essay was about my high school experience and this was aimed towards new incoming freshman and what I wanted them to know before they start their freshman year. The challenge was me and how to explain them I realized that at first I thought that I wasn’t telling them enough info or I thought I wasn’t going more in depth . So I think about what I was missing  or doing wrong  . But I truly realized that this was aiming towards newly incoming freshman  and that I wasn’t directly talking to them about what they need to know about high school and that I was just telling them about my high school experience. Basically telling my audience that high school is fun I consider it as a gift as it lead you further in your education .What I learned from this unit was talking directly towards my targeted audience as a recent  high school graduate .   I said towards the end of my education essay that ” enjoy every moment and always take advantage of the education opportunities that they will offer you.”  The reason why I said it because not  only Im just talking about my high school experience I’m just saying in general that everyone’s high school experience was fun .  Yes the important thing was keeping up with your academics but also you just got have fun in high school cause it’s only 4 years where the you are gonna make lots of memories. As I directly say this to my audience which are newly incoming freshman  and this taught me on how to directly speak to my audience.

In unit 2 we talked about real life issues or any real life concerns that we would want to talk about in our next assignment . My topic was American intervention or American foreign policy . My audience was aiming towards people who have no idea or don’t have a better understanding about American foreign policy . What I included in my essay are 4 sources which are related to my topic of different genres like legal sources , interviews etc.  I summarized this sources and took quotes from it so that I can explain what do the sourse mean . I explained about the past history of American foreign policy  and also how is it affecting American foreign relations in the present.  Also explaining about what citizens think about foreign policy from experts and how we are just simply getting involved too much outside our borders and who knows what can the outcome might be . In my essay I said that what will ” U.S involvement be in the future be the future what will might be the causes and effects for the United States and the rest of the world. Unit 2 was mainly me working on improving myself on analyzing sources and interpreting them into my own words and explaining it sufficiently  in my essay .

Before we started on our education essay we practiced analyzing our essay topics so that we can better idea of what we planning on writing for our essay and our topic question . Also learning on how to analyze our resources like explaining our quotes and explaining on how are we going to convince our audience on what we are trying to say or prove to them . Also we write about what’s the whole purpose of what we are trying to explain or accomplish and also of what is the tone of the reader and what is he trying to explain. Also explaining the background the of our topic because the readers want to know what are the backgrounds of this certain topic .

Unit three was about the speech that I presented to the class I think I did pretty well on my speech at least I wasn’t nervous so my speech is basically a whole simple summary that was based off unit two which was on American foreign policy summarizing the past present and future and that what the limitations should be which is to simply” not get involved unless national security is a concern”. Unit three was me just basically having to address a topic in which many people often question or have and questions , comment or concerns about.

Throughout the semester I believe I improved myself as a writer  from just normal bland essays to being able to analyze my resources and being able to explain my topic sentence to my readers and being to understand on how to directly talk to my readers of what I want them to know . I’ve learned a lot throughout this semester and hopefully I will be able to use these writing strategies to help me improve my writing even more. Thankful to learn these strategies that I was able to obtain and that these will help me out in the foreseeable future.


My POV of this semester

This has been a fun semester overall and this was challenging , but this was a fun challenge . What made it such a fun challenge it ? Well it’s fun because of Professor Hall and my fellow classmates . Before the semester started  at freshman orientation the higher up students said that the classes are gonna be boring or not fun at all , but you can make it fun by interacting with others. So this class really helped me improve to be a much better writer overall. After learning about revisings , revisions and researching topics and pointing out primary and secondary sources we can use in our writing was really helpful and useful and helped me improve my writing skills . Also when writing it really didn’t feel like I was writing the same topic over and over again which it really made me think that now I have to think outside the box in order to continue with my work. Overall I really liked this class yes I did had my hiccups here and there but I could have not done without professors halls guidance and I actually felt comfortable in this english class and it made me to become more open minded into my work and  I’m glad to say I improved myself as a writer.

Speech ( unit 3)

 What should be the limitations on American intervention or foreign policy?

This is generally on the minds on some experts ,but this topic is something to keep in mind of what’s going around the globe . People can agree that the limitations is simply for America to not get involved in foreign affairs that America doesn’t necessarily belong in and many people believe that . But at this point in time we understand of why we get involve and that is to protect national interest abroad and  stopping a conflict from growing into a bigger one that could ultimately bring severe consequences . If were going to do something about it we have to act now before anything could happen we really don’t want history to repeat itself. We know we can we have the ability and capability to make a change in foreign policy f we are going to act we need to act now for the better than just waiting for an outcome to happen.

Unit 3 ( Revision )

What should be the limitation of American foreign policy ?

That’s what I’m here to talk about I know you guys probably seen on the news about U.S Foreign  policy and stretch of the U.S military around the world . I know you guys heard about future Events that most people kept talking about like WW3 or conflict in Europe etc those kind of events to be honest yes it’s scary I know we’ve been in those type of scenarios before what I mean of scenarios I meant that U.S participation  in WW1 and WW2 . We’ve been there and we pledged that we will never be in that type of situation ever again . Luckily we survive the Cold War and it never got hot . Through out that point in time we’ve been intervening and backing countries that were fighting the communist . But now in the more recent modern times we get involved in foreign affairs we question ourselves are we getting involved too much ? Maybe it’s time that we should get involved if we have too . Some reasons we get involved is because of threats to national security and that action must be taken . But I just wanted to get the point out that we should set our limitation and take action when time is right . This topic is what I consider a long term heated debate when it comes to American foreign policy and what should be the changes but now in the present day people don’t seem to to nothing about it.  It would be really sad if history has to repeat itself an no one does not want to know depending on how tense the situation is because no one is not gonna know of what even the outcome is gonna turn out like. But if we act now we can make a difference and we can definitely change people’s view on our foreign policy and set the proper limitations.

Genre (Rough Draft)

Topic Question- What should be the limitation or changes to American foreign policy?

I want to make a speech about American foreign policy and I want to grab the attention of young Americans who probably don’t know nothing about what’s going around the world. The main objective with this speech is too give these readers a better understanding on American involvement in world affairs.  So first I want start off by introducing myself just like in any ordinary speech. So I want talk about first about the events that’s going with American foreign policy and the effects that are having to other countries. Also go into more meaningful explanation about the effects and are the results good or bad? I would also ask my audience the question which is ” what do you see on tv or have you read anything about American involvement in foreign countries ?” So I would also give a brief explanation of how did we get here or in other words what have we’ve done in the past that would make the United States into a world superpower spreading our influence around the world. We talk about events such as both world wars and the cold war which was during the peak of American involvement . My audience should also understand of the political decisions that were made that would determine the military activity. I also want to address the concerns people are having with America’s current foreign policy or if there has to be any changes or changes that are necessary that we  would hopefully see improvements to American influence on foreign soil.  At the end of my speech I would basically summarize everything and hopefully give my audience the information that they want to know about Foreign policy.


American Intervention( Final Draft )

So everyday when you wake up you turn on the news and you might always hear something about American military activity overseas. You’re probably wondering why are their troops or  American presence around the globe. But the real question what should be the limitations of American involvement abroad?

American intervention has happened since the end of the late 1800s when the U.S fought Spain in the Spanish – American war when the U.S won control over Guam , Puerto Rico and the Philippines. Then fought another war against filipino rebels. Which mark the so called beginning of American imperialism and then ultimately the increase of American intervention around the world. Lane Kenworthy and author on ” U.S Military Intervention Abroad” made a brief summary on the history the explanation of why the U.S military is spread around the world .  First he explains about the fact that America is playing the role of being the world police and also the fact that the United States is the world’s leading superpower. believing that ” this principle  should be absolute”.  But the primary goals for the U.S were the national security interest and for self defense. But the peak of intervention was right after the end of world war 2 and at the start of the cold war. But of course this would have big effects on lives and on the economy as Lane listed the amount of deaths  all of the wars the U.S fought throughout the 20th century and the percentage of its  GDP of each war.  He even said that if this continues then this will most likely spill out more to the public and it might raise public concern. I can agree because of the sole purpose of the U.S acting as a world police and making sure that it will achieve its goal of that protecting and establishing peace around the world. But also we should consider of what we conflicts or even affairs we should stay away from. Or in other words limit our involvement in foreign or military affairs.

This source could have the ability to grab a lot of people’s attention because everyday citizens always wonder what are the reasons why we get involved in everything . People can agree that the limitation should be in placed . Since we get involved in everything in the world citizens would most likely have different opinions and views about military involvement around the world especially when comes to backing groups who are a fighting the other opponent. People need to pay attention of what’s really going on based on this source it really grabs peoples attention as they well aware of the situations that are happening around the world and paying close attention to what actions the military are taking . It’s clear to me that this source provides a brief overview from an expert of military intervention.  The readers will understand and get a bit of a deeper understanding of American intervention its background and what are the causes and effects.

Now let’s discuss about a particular interview. Kinzer is a reporter for the Boston Globe speaking with an expert Gross on American intervention . So he did at the beginning discuss about the past history and the beginning of American involvement and also the stretching of the  American military . In this interview he’s basically talking about what were  the causes and effects of American military involvement and how it is still showing the amount of power that can be deployed into many parts of the world. A good example are the amount of American Military bases in each continent as most of these bases were established after the end of World War 2. Even after World War 2 he says that many people viewed the United States as being an empire as it does have territories and some self Governing islands . He also explained that we got involved in both world wars and the aftermath ” shaped the world that we live in today”. But now in modern times we get involved and leave countries and tragic status. Which lead many people to question about our actions overseas and the decisions we make.

I think the audience should really take this with a grain of salt but one particular part is when he mentioned about why we entered World War 2 well the obvious part was the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor then we declare war against them. Back then the public supported the war effort a lot knowing that freedom and democracy was at stake and that we needed to fight . Like he  said before we entered the war for a good cause which is to restore the peace and defend freedom and democracy. But then after World War 2 the cold war happened with a series of proxy wars. At that point people started to have changing and different opinions as throughout the cold war the United States kept backing countries who are fighting against communism  by providing weapons and money. This source is clear for the readers as all of these facts are coming from an expert who just basically summarized the past causes and effects of American intervention or what some people might call it American imperialism which can make sense since the U.S has overseas territories , but either ways most people don’t agree with considering the United States as an empire. As this information is clear on what people want to know about American involvement and American superiority in other parts of the world .

I learned that there should be restrictions on what purposes  that would make us get involved in local conflicts that would only seem like that’s threatening national security , but if there’s no conflict then we shouldn’t get involved since it is not our problem . Some people can agree that we get involved too much or we get involved into every global conflict . We would only intervene of the U.S is being threatened then there is where we should commence action. As the goal is to contain the problem from spreading to other problems of the world.

Now the U.S  has becoming increasingly involved throughout the recent decade. Even after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989 the U.S has kept doing its job of acting as the world police force of stopping humanitarian crisis like the crisis in Bosnia and kosovo as the U.S and  Nato worked together to take down the Serbian President who was committing ethnic cleansing which is basically a war crime . As this is the sole mission to prevent any tragedy from happening again  . Most importantly stop the accursen of military dictators who are disturbing the peace around the world. But is U.S intervention actually keeping and maintaining peace ? There has been some mishaps and a few hiccups here and there when it comes to civilians being caught in the crossfire from American fire . I think when it comes to America being involved they always have to keep in mind of the safety of civilians . But people do sometimes criticize the U.S for aiding countries who are also fighting to maintain peace but civilian are getting caught in the crossfire.

But mainly when I meant about the U.S maintain peace the real question is are they actually restoring peace and maintaining it. Throughout recent years the U.S main goal is overthrowing  dictators . But it doesn’t seem like their not maintaining the stabilization that is really needed to prevent future tragedies from happening . The main reason why we get involved is that the United States cares about the security and stabilization of the world . That’s also maily the reason why the United States is part of NATO a military alliance thats its main goal is to prevent future major global conflicts since the end of the second world war . But usually the United States is the nation that leads most of the worlds military operations to combat dictatorships. Another reason why we intervene is eliminate the risk of military regimes from gaining power as the United States believes that they can’t be threat to national security if we don’t take any action against them. But the United States doesn’t always  decide if we should intervene . One example is when  NATO alliance decided to overthrow the libyan dictator gaddafi which the operation proves the capability of the NATO alliance. A quote from the ” The slippery Slope of U.S intervention ” in an interview with former president Obama said that” Our participation in the coalition that overthrew Qaddafi in Libya was the right thing to do”.

The end of American intervention has been a newer recent topic thats being talked about and still being mentioned as recent when President trump pulled back troops from Syria. People even go far as saying that we shouldn’t even get involved in the first place . When we intervene in Iraq the goal was to bring stability and order , but it seems like we’re far  from reaching the goal. According to a New York times article since troops are coming home the war is far from over .  Even looking back on the money we spend and all the contributions we made but there is still no signs of peace coming to the regions. Also that its time to focus on other foreign or domestic issues. But still the real questions is what are gonna be U.S future plans for the middle east ? Or will there ever be stability?

Overall we really have no idea of when theres or if there’s gonna be any progress or changes in American foreign policy. From people calling America an empire for once for gaining territory after fighting a war with Spain.  I learned that the U.S military gets involved whenever there is a conflict that would concern national security , but ever since World War 2 the United States has been consistently involved in foreign affairs and being part of alliances like NATO and the United Nations to hopefully avoid tragedies . But now with the conflicts in the middle east , backing Ukraine against Russia , trade wars with china there should limitations placed that will make more cautious of our actions . But overall there should be limitations of involvement basically what we should or should not get involved in. But how will U.S involvement be in the future and what will might be the causes and effects for the United States and the rest of the world ?


Curiosity draft ( last two sources )

My question of topic is why is the United States intervening in foreign affairs around the world with using the U.S military. The question on everyone’s mind is is why are we intervening in conflicts around the world. Judging the fact that many people considered the United States as being the world police . It’s been playing this role since the beginning of the 20th century and after world war 1 when the U.S intervene for the first time in the fight against Germany . Some points lead to preserving the national interest or “ preemptive self defense”. As this shows that the United States is being the lead power of the world as also being part of major organizations and alliances like NATO and the United Nations . As this proves of how the U.S is stretching it’s foreign policy . But what are the effects of intervention . Some main effects are the amount of money the U.S spends on the military and the amount of money that was spend on wars the Us fought in . The war which the US spend the most was World War 2 . But after reading these sources I agree to the fact that the U.S is acting as world police and it’s duty to stop conflicts around the world and stretching its influence around the world getting involved in foreign  affairs to assist or help nations who are struggling to progress or stopping conflicts that would concern the safety and the national security interest of the United States . Now people are wondering of how long is this gonna keep up and what is the U.S planning on in the future regarding foreign policy and playing the role of the world police .

Part of my concern is about the legitimacy about American involvement what do I mean by that ? I mean by how experts and everyday citizens view Americas foreign policy . Also by how confident people have for the U.S government . Discussing the principles and the main purpose of why are we getting involve into foreign affairs . And also how the rest of the world feel about  United States  foreign policy and conducting better public diplomacy with other nations .



Curiosity first draft ( first two sources)

Everyday we wake up in the morning we see the news about Americans troops on foreign land . This topic is questioned a lot from many experts and viewers alike . Some argued that we are getting involved into everything around the world. That we should set limits to of what we can get involved or what we shouldn’t intervene in. We can still see the  affects of American intervention on countries that have been before been occupied by the United Sates.  American intervention dates back to the Spanish America War when the first time the U.S claimed land and territory from another country . But what’s the real reason the United States goes beyond the borders well simply to stretch their influence around the world as the worlds sole superpower . But what effects did countries had due to American intervention  in the past century . Take Central America as an example as the United  States intervened in backing rebel groups or governments  who were willing to fight communism or the protection  American interest or businesses . This had a long lasting effect on Central American countries like El Salvador which many Salvadorians fled the country  from violence hoping to reach the U.S for a better life . American intervention was at  its highest during the Cold War to contain the spread of communism even after communism fell the United States still seem to intervene in foreign affairs In the present day and are affecting countries who are still struggling to progress .

Final Revision

Alright so you finally graduated middle school and you feel proud of yourself and you made your parents proud too . But now it’s time for the next chapter of your life high school.  This might have happen to some of you or all of you but the day after graduation you get your diploma and then you already start thinking about high school . Well before you start a new journey for the next 4 years I would say the most important thing you have to know is take responsibility of yourself . I would say also to rely on people for help but don’t rely  too much because their not always gonna be there for you so that’s why take responsibility for yourself at all times. Another thing you should know is getting involved within the community. Why is that important? it’s because when the time comes to start applying for colleges they would definitely want to say if you have done any community service basically get involved because if there are any events that they need people to help out take the opportunity so that it can go on your  transcript.  Also this is important too but if you are struggling with your academics then go to tutoring .Everyday there will be teachers that will be able to help you out in high school teachers care about you and they want you to succeed and hopefully get you back on track. Also  make friends like I stated before even though you can’t rely on them all the time for help they can help here and there along the way.

So your summer came and went and now it’s time to start your freshman year and just like all of your other fellow freshman your pretty nervous on the first as it is the starting point of your new journey in high school. To be really honest there isn’t too much to be worried about or to be nervous about as the first day is basically getting introduced to your teachers and just collecting your basic documents and your schedule. I mean  you never know you’ll probably make some new friends. I would recommend to start thinking about joining clubs in your freshman year , but you don’t have to necessarily start joining a club right away if you feel like you still want to get adjusted in high school you can join a club later on in the year or you can join in your sophomore year . I joined my club towards around April in my freshman year because I wanted to get myself adjusted in high school as well always keeping myself in check deciding when I feel like I’m ready to get involved with clubs. So for your freshman year just basically get adjusted and do well in your classes that well you will do well in the future. Also start thinking about getting involved within the community.

So you’ve gotten through your freshman now your fully adjusted in high school . Things will get  a little bit tougher as in the difficulty of classes , but you’ll get  used to it but now this year is the time to actually start getting involved within the school or the community. Or probably start thinking about your long term goals. Like whats gonna be your plan for the next two years. But for sophomore year just basically start getting involved and do well in your classes and take advantage of tutoring too. Think of it this way even though let’s just say if your doing really well in your classes I would say still go to tutoring because like I said before always keep yourself in check or maintain that status of being a good student. This year is when you take the PSAT exam you don’t really have to study , but if you want to get a head start on practicing for the real SAT exam then go ahead  , but I would say don’t worry about since you still have a whole year left so take your time.  So once june has arrived you’re almost done reviewing for the regents . Now the regents is something you definitely do not want to mess with as they are a requirement to graduate and to receive your regents diploma . So make sure you study for these tests . My tips for you is to study with your friends because they might know things that you don’t . Another tip is to take some regents practice classes as it is another way to help you prepare . Overall just know your knowledge and you’ll do just fine and don’t be nervous.

Alright so your junior is the most important year as it is the year when colleges look at your grades and of what have you been doing for the past two or three years. Always be on your game . Also this year you are taking the actually SAT exam so start studying as early as possible because in SAT anything can be on their especially math which they will test you on anything they can throw at you . One of the best methods is to take SAT classes . As I’ve taken those classes which really helped me out alot it can even help you out too as well. You can even take mock tests which are tests from previous SATS that tests you on where you stand at and what you need to improve or work on some certain english and math skills. Once that’s done all you gotta do is to pass your classes and regents. Also take the opportunity to sign up for college now classes if you do pass those classes you earn free college credits and that way you do not have to take the class in college .  Overall in your junior year do has much as you can as this is the year colleges will look at your transcript .

Now it’s finally your senior year  and to be honest it’s more relaxing as its is your last year to enjoy high school to the fullest  enjoy time with your friends and to be excited for all the upcoming senior events like prom , senior festivals , etc . But you still have to keep yourself in check as you still need to pass your classes and get your credits . Just overall have fun in high school because you can make those 4 years as memorable as you want and still work hard and maintaining good grades so that you can accepted into the colleges of your choice when you do apply for college in your senior . Also when applying don’t wait to the last min I recommend just getting it done and over with as early as possible so that you wouldn’t have to worry about it later on.  So to all new incoming freshman this what you’d expect in high school overall just do the best of your ability and you’ll make it to graduation a day to celebrate your achievements.