In the Ebook “I Ain’t Gonna Lie”many of my fellow peers share our experience on what shaped your perception of school or just education so many factors were brought up. In my group Denisse, Luis, Assie and myself share the same idea that something happen to us we wanted to change it we either had someone help us or motivate us to change this could of been personal motivation  or family/ teacher motivation but someone along the way in our story motivate us to do better or beat the odds not let it define you but make it better you. In Denisse story she shared that due to language border her teacher felt like it was better for her to “stay in her country” and leave her behind a grade which MOTIVATES her to do better learn soak up the English language. IN Luis story he shares a special bond with his female teacher in his school almost like that’s his ” person” in school, this teacher was different because she wanted better for Luis and saw light inside of him that Luis never saw until his finally year in HS. Luis MOTIVATED to do better in College not in spite of someone but to make his HS teacher proud. Lastly in Assie story talking about the college process and how a teacher try play herself and put doubt in her ability to get into school and pay for it. Assie used the doubt that college advior had as  MOTIVATION to shoot for stars make herself and mother proud as any child should. Every last one of us shares a gladiator in black suit some it’s a person and some is not what keeps our chapter linked together is the MOTIVATION we share to keep us on track of our personal goals. nothing stopping or blocking the pathway to our successes. We all have came face to face to a teacher we felt didn’t meet our standards of a teacher. based on the fact he or she didn’t motivate to do something but under estimated you and your ability. you did it IN SPITE of the second grade teacher IN SPITE of college advisor IN SPITE annoying history teacher.

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