Finding Your Voice

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Reflection rough draft – Vianca

Entering this school semester for my English course, has been a development in my writing academics and literature skills. It has been a great experience from start to end, in learning new ways in class for having a better relationship with writing/reading in a descriptive, creative and constructive way. In this course I have learned how to write a clearer and more understandable piece over big blurbs of overwhelming ideas and too big vocabulary that don’t match my sentence structure of what I am trying to write or talk about.

An example that is proven on how I improved in my analytical writing and being more constructive is in my unit 1 rough draft. I had a lot of information in that writing with little understanding of how to transition my storyline for the reader to understand. I understood that I had to write as if it was a POV with the reader; since the reader doesn’t know my life or what I am trying to talk about, I had to write in a way where it can be as concrete and adjustable as possible to the reader’s liking of understanding. For example in my final draft I put “ I started actually boosting up my grades without even noticing, until a week before spring break where almost everything changed for me, from being a social butterfly to not talking to a single soul for the rest of the year to the first month of sophomore year. Let’s just say I was in the wrong situation at the wrong time with the wrong surroundings. Who would know that you can even consider  friends “family”. Safety Transfer was my only option and so I did that.” as where i corrected that now in a revision  “That was until a week before spring break where almost everything changed for me. From being a social butterfly to not talking to a single soul for the rest of the year up to the first month of sophomore year. Being put into positions you weren’t supposed to be a part of and backstabbed by your own friends is unfortunately very common and seen as normal in this era of generation, but never would i imagine it would happen especially to me. Let’s just say I was in the wrong situation at the wrong time with the wrong surroundings. A Lot of things in life have their own consequences and mine was losing each and every one of my so-called friends to the point that my own safety was put at risk so Safety Transfer was my only option, and so I did that”. This gives me a lot of clarity now on how I see my work and gives me also the reassurance that it is okay to go over your work a number of times and how you can cut down long pieces into short and simpler sentences or dialogue that s more understandable when writing.

In This course I noticed in my writing and reading a lot of new things that reflected my appearance in my progression. I learned how to annotate, read through lines to understand the reading and ideas, create analysis, paragraph format, (PIE, sandwich quote, analytic essays, rhetorical analysis, concrete writing, etc). I did three units from creating my own analytical essay, then an educative persuasive essay, into displaying my information from unit 2 into a visual project. Doing the project is what I enjoyed the most in which I ended up having my brochure presented to others in order to hook them into my concept. The whole reason for that project was what are ways on how to catch the reader’s attention and how can you present your idea/research to them in a visual and apprehensive way. Basically, how to not bore your reader with overwhelming information and instead present them a new way of teaching and learning. In my brochure presentation I was a little overwhelmed in which I stated, “I put too much information” and was nervous to eventually lose my audience’s attention. That was before I presented and was relieved when I realized after that I maybe could have added a little bit more information, so my audience won’t be left with a question or doubt of wanting to know more in depth of the points that I made in my project since many of them did want to know more about certain pieces of my research information, I also received a lot of feedback which made me want to fix my mistakes and better it to others’ understanding.

Throughout my whole English academic life, I’ve gone through numerous tips and tricks from different educators helping me not only just “perfect” my writing/reading but also understanding why I should do it. I went into this English course thinking I already know everything that’s going to be taught and there was going to be no struggle for me, just for me to be proven wrong that I indeed needed a lot more correction and revision to handle with my writings. It was never a struggle for me when reading and understanding a context, mostly the problem was on how to put my ideas onto paper in an organized, understandable and educative way. What I’ve learned from myself as a reader, writer, and scholar is that I am pretty good at getting details, knowing what I have to specifically find and what I should say, but what I’m not so good at is putting all that information in an illustrative and correct writing format. In this class that’s exactly what I learned how to do, basically the how in a concept. From the beginning of this course till now I have made successful progress when it comes to formatting my writing in a way that I can also connect with the reader and the writing can be as biased as possible. Although I still need to work on my time management, I have learned how to take my time when it comes to looking over my work and do it as many times as possible for corrections and anything that needs to be removed or fixed. 

Knowing these new skills, I can take this for myself and use it on a day-to-day basis when it comes to communicating, writing, and reading. There’s never a perfect writing in my opinion but I believe that it is okay to ask others for advice and get others POV to make that writing as “perfect” as possible. These tips will help me not get ahead of myself when it comes to over-explaining, under-explaining, not giving enough detail, or giving too much context, and in some way, sort my ideas out in as effective and transparent a way as possible and I’m glad I can take these skills along with me through my later on life.

Reflection rough draft

Throughout this term, I have learned to better develop my writing and analysis. By using more descriptive details and your choice of words so that, it would seem as if the reader is present in your scene. Also, to describe the outside scene as best you can. For instance, in unit 1, I’ve really tried to describe the scene that states “It was a nice and bright summer day as the ceremony of my middle school graduation began, my principal called my name, “Christine Li”. I get up with nervousness and excitement, hands shaking to cross the stage with a whole crowd of eyes staring at me. I shake my principal’s hand as he handed me my diploma. I scan through the crowd from left to right looking for my parents as I raised my diploma to show them.” Furthermore, in unit 1, it also states “ As the bell rang for the next class, I walk down the stairs and to my left, there it was. The exist to my school building and how tempting it was for me to simply just cut class. I hear another notification and looked down at my phone saying “just come, it’s just one day,” I look at the exit and started walking towards it and just like that I’m outside the school building with my friends.  I felt so guilty for skipping class but I thought to myself one day wouldn’t hurt.” These two quotes demonstrate how I was trying to really make the reader picture the scene but obviously can still use more improvement. 

As a writer, I find myself taking an abundance amount of time doing so because it just makes me think a lot and sometimes it can be difficult. However, throughout this semester, I’ve learnt to better manage my time while still maintaining a good effort and paper. Especially, I put a lot of thought on how I want to phrase my words. For instance, in unit 2, I’ve stated  that “hoodies and sweats has been very popular among people. These garments might have been considered dress down, or a better word, “bummy.” But however, nowadays, it’s nothing to see these pieces go up in value by a tremendous amount. As for the future of fashion, fashion continues to evolve overtime. Streetwear is likely to be cozy, comfortable, and a trend that people are very much leaning into and loving, especially these days.” Here, I really tried my best to choose the best words I could think of to sound more professional and to be sure I know what I’m talking about. As a reader, I always considered myself a slow reader because whenever I read something fast, it’s as if I never even read it and I wouldn’t have a clue of what I just read. I learnt to go in my own pace and sometimes I even need to reread the sentence carefully in order for me to fully understand the point given.

A challenge I had in this course would definitely be the word count. I felt like the word count amount was always way too high and I felt like I don’t have much to say to be able to reach the minimum word count. Even writing this reflection right now is sort of difficult to reach the word count. I overcame this challenge by explaining more about the point I’m trying to get across. By, including an example or a quote or anything that might relate to the point so I would be able to reach the minimum word count goal.

The knowledge I have gained this term can be used in the future throughout my college career because I have developed a better understanding of writing. Learning on how to better use descriptive details to get your point across clearly can be beneficial to future projects similar to unit 1. This can help me express myself, reach my target audience throughout my writing, and allow myself to get better grades. For instance, I’ve realized throughout unit 1 to unit 3, I’ve realized my grade just have went up and up. For instance, in unit 1, I received a B. Secondly, in unit 2, I received a B+. Finally, in unit 3, I received an A. Overall, with the help of this term I will transfer this knowledge to other writing situations in future courses as well  as in my daily life. 

DO-NOW 12/13/22

I think what I did well with this assignment is that I used alot of personal experiences to back up my main point and those experiences help the reader better understand what I’m am trying to portray.

My main point was how test can be detrimental to a students leaning and how nowadays, teachers teach to make their students pass their test and look good, instead of truly teaching the material.

My audience is the education system and teachers in general. I think my language and the tone i used could be better but it is sufficient enough to get my point across.

I think the beginning of the essay where I described education and the education system could be removed because it isn’t quite clear and my essay would be better off without it,

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