Finding Your Voice

Category: Unit 3 (Page 1 of 26)

Artist statement-vianca

There’s a big expansion in the world we live in with the way we acknowledge and more on so capture things with our mind. Going on from different ways to learn and comprehend others and yourself, you get a variety of ways to make up what you’re trying to learn and those could lead from, hands on, spoken, reading and even visual learning. Personally I learn things better hands on and visually. I like to see how things are done so when I do it myself I can know what to precisely do with little to no mistake put upon my hands, over, hearing what I have to do, and forgetting 2 minutes later. Visual learners love capturing ideas with pictures , drawings, shapes, colors ,  and even a little bit of words. When you are trying to point out your opinion to a wide range of audience the first thing that should be in your mind is not only to get the information to them but to not give TOO much information, which can often lead to the audience/ reader getting bored and their attention span being caught to something else. 

 I became interested in this topic mainly because I am a freshman in college , and will soon start to encounter the real world financial crisis of being financially independent (adulthood). I wanted to convey a message to other students just like me or even different than me,  and who  are just struggling financially, to have an idea for a head start on how to, in general,  know what to do when it comes to saving money, getting money and spending money. My audience mainly should attract people in college but can range also to high school students and people above college level , going from graduates, parents, or just regular human beings wanting financial advice. Although my research and idea can have a good impact on those who mostly need it eventually some time in their life, I had to think of a way on how to Portray that idea to them without getting them bombarded with so much financial information. Reading is great, let alone is good for you studies say, but reading too much of one specific idea can lead to little to almost no information captured and boredom overtaking that. When you’re trying to speak on about something you have to think clearly of how you want to portray that, and so my idea was, well if I can learn visually and obviously not everyone else is like me , we all end up learning something in some way , whatever Way it is , so why not make a brochure which is helpful for those visual learners and spoken learners so they can hear what I have to say while seeing it, and for those reading learners , they can read a little bit about what I have to say without being overwhelmed with too much info. 

I wanted to make my brochure as simple yet illuminating as possible for the audience to capture the information but not get distracted with too much color or pictures. I’m the beginning when I did my whole essay and research I didn’t know how I can put SOO much information into a descriptive and logical explanation for my audience. I could’ve done a video, but I am shy and I didn’t feel as comfortable yet to speak and hear myself speak. I could’ve done a speech but I didn’t want to have a big blurb of good information yet making it seem as interesting as possible to talk straight through the whole speech. So what I thought was I can combine speech and visual learning and make a brochure. Brochures are used to persuade someone into seeing, getting, or knowing something in little time, little information, and more visual context. When making my brochure it was easy to design everything , I knew I didn’t want too bright or too dark colors because bright can distract or bother and dark can bore, so I decided on neutral colors, which can just feel as comforting for the audience without too much visual disturbance. Pictures and designs were my favorite part because although I’m not very good at presentations ,the experience in doing it was fun. Even after doing my whole research and essay, I still learned more while doing my brochure. Although building the brochure was easy , putting the actual information was the hard part. Since it’s a big topic and a lot of information is put into that topic, having to rationalize where I put my info, how I put it, and most importantly what I put as my information was the trickiest part to decide on. My main focus was to just inform the reader about financial literacy, tell them why they should incorporate it in their lives, and what are some ways they can start and continue their economical journey. At first I did a small draft of a presentation slide to section what I’m going to split my work into, which at the end helped me decide how I can speak about my research to my audience. Although I thought I didn’t need help, the whole idea of splitting my project to the what, why and how of financial literacy and how I can put that Into my brochure was given by my professor. I panicked at the end when I had to present because I looked at my final piece and thought there was too much information but in fact after presenting I learned that it was actually an alright information piece  but if extra time was given , a little bit more wouldn’t have hurt at all. 

I think I did a pretty good job for my first informational project, especially in college and I hoped I did at least a good outcome to those who maybe need it right now or can need it in the future.I think what I would have done differently is put more information. But not to the point that it’s too much, just enough to go more in depth to my financial advice. I am satisfied as to the outcome of how the brochure was organized and came out about and I know I can also use this for future reference in any other class that can be given to me in later on life.

Artist Statement

When it came down to starting my Unit 3 project, I came into it with a lot more confidence compared to the other unit final essays. The reason as to why I was so confident was because I was basing my topic off of my Unit 2 essay therefore I was much more prepared for this project much more than any other assignment we’ve done up until that point. Although there were issues that came up when it came to who I wanted my target audience to be. Well to begin with my topic was Cursive Writing and how it is looked at today. I wasn’t sure if I wanted my project to target either young children, grade school students or highschool students. But after some time to think about what would be best for my target audience, it would be best to target teachers instead. This was the best option for me to reach out to because it allows me to be more direct when it comes to how my project is presented and be relatable to teachers that obviously teach children. And the best way I chose to reach out to my target audience was to create a newsletter. I’m sure a lot of teachers are aware of issues specifically when it comes to students’ education whether it be anything about learning our cursive writing. This project is to inform teachers on the reasons as to why teaching cursive writing to younger students is important. Teachers can notice certain newsletters such as this project from headline titles online or perhaps getting emailed in their inbox to be informed. 


My next step when starting to create my project was how to get a beginner template or design I would like to use for my newsletter. Thankfully I was able to use Canva and search through plenty of options for a newsletter template. I eventually came across one that peaked my interest and looked well laid out for the reader to comprehend what is on the letter. What came next was what topics I would like to put on my newsletter. I thought a good way to get the reader well informed is by talking about the importance of cursive writing and how it has been beneficial. This would give the reader something to wrap their head around with giving them a solid base of information. Next was to write something that would intrigue the reader after understanding the value of cursive writing, such as giving examples as to how all the benefits they’ve heard about cursive writing could eventually go away and that would make the reader more invested in what I am trying to inform them on. I gave them a source of relatable information about schools in the U.S. not teaching their students cursive writing has been an ongoing problem among multiple schools in multiple states of the country. And the third step was to inform the reader how they can prevent this issue from happening so their students wouldn’t have to go through this kind of situation. And lastly was finding good images to fit the theme of the newsletter. Luckily I found 3 images that fit well on the newsletter and are relevant to the topic of the newsletter. I obviously came across many images that were hard to fit for the article, whether it be presentable or did not fit. Only a slight problem but one that took longer than I thought it would.


Now that I have completed my newsletter, overall I would say I am satisfied with the final product. Although there may have been some road blocks on my way to completing my project, to me it still turned out alright. Some changes that I wished I made was to add a bibliography to add in my sources rather than having it cluttered with text of information I had up on my newsletter. Adding that would have made my newsletter much more presentable and not so cluttered. If I had plenty more time I could have organized a bit better and add in more information on the history of cursive writing. As a finished product I am mostly happy about it, and I like how I was able to present my factual information regarding the state of cursive writing. I felt as though it was somewhat difficult and yet for me it was the easiest final project out of my other units because of the previous information I gathered in Unit 2. I have done many projects in class and projects such as this where it gives us more creativity in what we can do. I find it much easier to comprehend and is much less stressful compared to anything else. I hope to get to do a project such as this in the near future.

Unit 3

Artist statement


part 2


part 1

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