Finding Your Voice

Category: Unit 2 Rough Draft (Page 1 of 6)

Hw: rough draft 11/3(poverty)

Question:How would we be able to reduce the poverty rate?
I am interested in researching this question because it would give us a better understanding on how we would be able to gather more information on how to possibly drop the rate of poverty in the next decade possibly. We need to be aware that this is a worldwide issue and a lot of people struggle when it comes to poverty. I expect to find good facts and helpful tips on how to reduce the poverty rate. I should be able to find valid resources such as personal experiences and how they go through poverty and also what people tried to do in order to help those people in need. I want to be able to find quotes and good videos explaining certain parts of the U.S living through poverty. If I find anything about that goes against my questionI would reference it in my writing to show how I disagree and make claims and points on how it’s not accurate.

The author  Schuyler center are people who work for the government and they help try to improve any access to good. They want to improve any accountability and make it higher definition to health services such as dental, behavioral, physical, or even mental. They are very determined to get what they need in order to succeed and help the community. They want to keep everyone aware of what is going on in society and want to let them know that it is a big thing in nyc, especially in the U.S. poverty is a real global issue and it just gets worse and worse. “Poverty, too, has remained in the spotlight. Here, we know that some improvements are underway: NYC Opportunity’s own 2017 annual report found that the city-wide poverty rate fell from 20.6% in 2014 to 19.9% in 2016. Progress, then, but much still to do.” This shows us that poverty has been a thing for so much time now and nobody has really done anything to try to fix the issue or at leas slow down the rate. They created this organization to basically help the people around them and give them the resources they need in order to live. They want problem to know that they are not alone and they’re people around them to help and guide them to the right path. What is going to be accomplished is to help them live without the struggle and give them info and resources that they need to live such as food, education, shelter, clothing, water, and even finance/ economic support. This is a bibliography because this is real life and is a true story based on try events. Poverty still goes on and it keeps getting worse for so many reasons and one main reason this is being talked about in real life and it is based on true events. People speak on poverty based on what they know and based on how it could of happend to themselves as well.Poverty is a big issue till this day and it only gets worse for so many reasons, and one main reason is because of job support, and the wage. From getting information about poverty and getting help you should expect to get the resource you need for yourself and your family and to help you live a good and stable life

The author to this article is James A. Parrott. James was born on August 2, 1897 in Baltimore, and He died on  May 10, 1939, in Los Angeles, CA he had one sibling, Charley Chase his Spouse name was Ruby Ellen McCoy And his Parents name was Blanche Thompson Parrott, and Charles Parrott. James was a Director of Economic and Fiscal Policies at the Center for New York City Affairs. He had a bunch of research projects that includes the economic impact of the Covid-19 crisis in NYC , and of the low paid independent contract work in New York State. The audience is the people of New York and the people who is in poverty. I say this because he is only talking about nyc and how nyc has dealt with poverty and how they need to do better in order to overcome it. He talks about the reason why it’s happening. The author created this article to tell people that poverty is a problem in society and that nobody doesn’t really do anything evens when they say they are. James is saying that there are multiple events as to where the poverty rate has rise because of it which is a bad thing. The purpose of this article is to show people that the multiple events that had taken place and the reasons to cause the way nyc is the way it is today isn’t good. He wants to show people that there are always a cause to something and that it could be stopped. The genre is a biography. It is based on true events and personal experiences as well. In the article it says “Signs of serious economic distress are multiplying, long-term unemployment is skyrocketing, many of the new jobs emerging are lower quality than the jobs that have been lost, and many of those returning to jobs are only working part-time.” This is saying that because of since people are in need economically the unemployment rate started to rise and the new jobs aren’t worth it and is even worse than the jobs before. And people aren’t making enough money after this happening. The tone is very firm. He has a very straight forward tone, because he wants the people to understand how poverty is happening and why. He wants us to know that nyc needs help and we need better jobs and better pay in order to live well.

The article I am using which is on “centre for public impact, with a “bcg foundation,” the author is “Matt Klein.” His full name is Matthew David Klein. He is an American political and is also a member of the Minnesota Senate and also a member of the DFL. He tries to help society out and make sure he can do everything in his power to do so. “From analysing existing anti-poverty approaches to developing new interventions and facilitating the sharing of data across city agencies, NYC Opportunity is seeking to help city government bring the poverty rate down further and faster.” This is saying that they are trying to find newer and better ways in order to try to achieve they goal that they want which is to help poverty and reduce the rate at a faster pace and to even try to put an end to it. Their audience is the people that goes through the situations that they are trying to fix and not only that it is for the world to see and help out on it too. They want everyone to be aware and be able to come together and speak up on it and help each other. He created this so that he can help others and create awareness so that people can live better and be able to survive and live a good and health life. Maybe this is something he went through and doesn’t want others to suffer through the same thing he went through. The purpose is to give people a better understanding of what poverty is and to help them through tough times. He wants to help people get through it and hopefully reduce the poverty rate in nyc for once. The genre of this is a speech because he said if he would tell his younger self something it would be to engage with the government more earlier. The tone he is giving out is more so fed up and determined because he wants people to live good without having to go through poverty and help put an end to it. Yes this article does help my question out. And yes there are other articles to help support my evidence. He wants to give nyc a better chance at living and having a better future. He wants to explain to the people How NYC tackles poverty and inequality. he also explains that the team under NYCMayor are using the data to target the impact of poverty. He is interested in social change and wants to do everything in his power to make that happen.  He wants to make sure that the government is apart of it and can help to so that the government can be engaged.

All things considered, with Poverty being the significant lack of money or poorness that one cannot pay for basic necessities, such as food and shelter, clothing, education, and healthcare shows that Poverty has become a big issue in our world. It has been a thing for such a long time now, and it only gets worse. The amount  of organizations that have been created to help and find different type solutions to help put an end to poverty has failed or at least didn’t really make any change at all. poverty is mostly occurring in developing countries. It can play a negative role in your life and can affect how you live negatively. “The ambition to lift so many New Yorkers out of poverty is on track, helped in large part by projects like the City University of New York’s (CUNY) Accelerated Study in Associate Programs) – an attempt to help more students complete their degrees by not only helping with the financial barriers but also offering guidance around coursework and peer support. People want to help and bring light to the families and to let them know that they are going to get the help then need and to get out that very dark place. You can end up with no home and lack of food and other resources which isn’t a good way to live. Poverty isn’t good for no one so what can people do to put a stop to it or help reduce the rate of poverty. The best thing to do is to complain to the government because in many eyes the only way to fix this worldwide issue is to let the give take care of it, which they aren’t because they don’t really care because they have all the money they need. There are many ways that we as a society can take steps to reduce the rate of poverty. You may ask what that is, but I am here to tell you the two important steps to do so. The first step would be to get better health and education sectors.  To do so you have to supply better food and give better education to all. Especially the ones who need it most. And also Increasing the number of organizations that are working and fighting to help put an end to poverty and reduce the poverty rate. We have to make sure everyone stands together and understand why poverty is an issue and why it’s a negative thing to go through in life. We have to do so by educating people to take actions to any matter and to be organized while doing it. Having information on what you go through can be very helpful and can open your eyes up to a lot of situations. It will make you want to help others that go through the same thing that you go through. Overall, we have to put poverty to an end or it will get to a point where it can’t be fixed or stopped

Final Reflection


Starting college had such a big impact on me, I was happy to start this new journey but for some reason I realized that it gets hard if only you put your mind into it.  Bad k in high-school I was always a big fan of wetting because it was a way I would express myself when wasn’t able to speak or for myself in general, it has thought me so much and where you should really start to take your writing skills important. It can bring you as far because writing and reading are two of the major thing society would eventually use in their daily life. I wasn’t exactly good at it, or thought of it as something I would’ve actually enjoyed.  This course has thought me a lot, specially about things that I didn’t know before, or the using of other apps, that was something I was struggling with when I first enter the semester was to get used to the app and way homework is being posted. It  was also a requirement for my major which I would later use, in order to improve my writing. I had to change the way I would write within a matter of min when writing a long sentence, I had to make sure that I am at least using college words, and had to me sure that I sound good for my readers, at any given moment. But one thing I can also say about this class is how you don’t need to master at either writing or reading to be good/// as long as you are trying your best. I learned from my peers and the professor itself, all of the feedbacks which encourage me to do ore, and best. All of these have helped me in ways I can’t even explain.

After High school I worked on managing my time more, because I think its something that a lot of people might be struggling with. I used to have problem with doing homework on time, and even sending them on time back in high school. I decided to set a habit to always wok on the homework posted the day that its being posted, because the way I can finish it before the due date. The one major subject that I am currently struggling with but am trying my best is math, I as never a big fan of math but throughout my middle/high school year I would always try to do my best in the class, which ended up happening. I never once thought coming to college would make math so hide for me,   I would try a problem In class but once I am alone or no one to work with I attempt to have panic attack on how it will come out, I also do struggle with remembering things. That’s one of the reason why I tried my best to keep count of all my work in this course as possible. This caused me to procrastinate in the class and can be very unfocused and not being Abe to do well on quizzes, or exam, that’s why I decided to change my ways and make a habit for myself to always be practicing math problems, every time I get a chance.


I really really love this project it was by far one of the work that we spent quite an amount of time working on. I was able to get a lot of details for my topic which was really really hard because I didn’t want to end up sounding the same for every paragraph I would wrote. It was in a way a sad topic because of hoe everyone is familiar to it, and all of the this is actually real. I would hope in my next course it would be or at least feel the same as this one because it was very straightforward to understand. Nothing was hard about it, the task was ride and clear and the teacher itself is a good listener, as well as teaching. I feel like I do have a favorite assignment that we did in class, but because they’re all were really good I can’t keep count but to say all of them was really nice and understanding.

After every work that was given I learned a lot on how to improve my writing. I feel better because materials was easy enough that I didn’t really have questions for, and was able to understand most parts.

To conclude in this ELA course  my skills have change overtime I am also becoming more interested in writing, reading more. I also learned that in order to improve, you have to keep with not only the work that its being posted but also in class assignment and participating in a way that you can, and to just stay quiet. That way you would learned/know about the material faster than you know it. That’s exactly why I tried to keep my homework  around 100% in everything. I would also tried to track the level of my writing skills in any essay I am writing before sending it over. I was really scared that I was going to have a Mid average in this class but found out that I am always on track with everything (I tried to be) and for that I was really happy, because English was never a course that I would do bad in. I loved every skills that the professor used in this class, because it boost my writing skills that I didn’t really have before. Now  I am able to know step by step how to write an argumentative essay and all the other essays without missing any steps that we covered in class. I can use these skills in the future for myself so I can outgrow and also help either my peers while in class, and outside Family/friends.


12/13 Unit one self review

  • What do l do well in this assignment? 

the usage of big words


  • What is my main point? What is the “so what” of this paper?

My main point was for people to understand the struggle of black suffrage in America


  • Who is my audience? Do I use the right language and tone to reach that audience?

My audience is the teachers, students, family members and every head police departments


  • What specific part(s) of the essay were a bit confusing? Why?

I don’t think any part of my essay was confusing


  • What specifically could I do to clarify the unclear parts of this writing? * (see below for suggestions)

rereading can be one to help this essay


  • What details, facts, or stories could you add to enhance the essay?

I don’t think I need any more details to add to enhance my essay.


  • What specific detail(s) do not work could be cut from the essay or could be moved within the essay for more clarity?

Nothing needs to be cut because the story won’t flow without each part.

Hw for 12/8/2022 Artists Statement

I became interested in this topic because I also did a project about it back in high school, and I was involved with other organizations as well that had something to do with immigrants refugee, and the struggle that the black community goes through. It’s a topic that really touches my heart, because talking about it might sound disturbing to the audience do to the things that be happening to us(black) In America. Another reason why I was interesting in writing this was because it was a topic that I am able to express my feelings more to it, than any other topics. People need to realized that this might never stop they will keep treating black like old time (slavery time) and its so not fair because we’ve protested as many time as we can, we started really slow and not doing too much. We did not even start with violence, but at one point of time we were giving  them our voice and they (cops) were giving us their bullets. Enough was said and we decided to go harder, because our voice wasn’t being heard.

The purpose of the making this project was because of the lack of success society has once again failed the black community in America. And I am directing this informations to students, Families, teachers  and all the local/private police department which include the government as well. Because there the one who once suppose to protect us, but they are hurting us in any process.

I picked this genre (poem) because I feel like it’s another way of expressing how you’re feeling  truthfully or people in general. I am usually used to power point type, or docs but I decided to go with poem because it was a better way to basically wrap up everything in this project.

Doing this project was really fun and a lot of emotions such as: sad, anger, patience, and also doubtful. It went pretty well overall the only thing I was scared of was repeating myself over and over again which I definitely did not want, and did not come across so I am happy for that. I had to change the topic question, just so it can match the whole writing.

Now that its done I definitely think it turned out okay for the most part, it was a poem I did not want to make it too long, or too short I just kept it simple and mid to understand. Yes I went over it so many time and even end up changing my thoughts overtime about how and what would I be writing in this poem. I don’t think there anything I would’ve done different maybe next poem to be a bit longer than this one, I am just happy I reached this far without missing any steps, because that was one of my worries to I feel like it wasn’t hard or easy more so in the middle, at least for me. I think so because you’ll need to focus in order to be thinking about what will you write, this as a college project was so awesome to me because I never thought I would be doing that in college (meaning I thought it would’ve been way harder, and different) it reminds me of my old self back in high school. I can perfectly say that I see myself doing using all of these tools later in the future, as I did making this project.


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