Finding Your Voice

Category: Unit 2 (Page 1 of 56)



        In conclusion, these articles have shown a lot of similarities. From cities in America to cities in South East Asia, it is proven that urban settings need more effective sustainability. For a person living in one of the biggest cities, I found it very informative and educational. Simple things like taking public transportation can help a lot for our environment. Like what the author quoted from the article in source #3 “Human and nature must coexist. One without the other is meaningless. There’s no two ways about it”. It starts with the simple things. Past generations have taught us a lot of things that are more convenient and faster, but we don’t realize that these things have been inconvenient for our planet. We can start by using and promoting green technologies. It may sound complicated because of the use of the word technology but green technology is as simple as recycling and waste management. As well as generating vertical gardens, vertical gardens are walls that contain plants. Using vehicles that do not use fuel, like electric cars. First thing that comes to your mind is Tesla, too expensive! But the local buses that the city has provided are electric buses. Which means they do not use fuel. Starting a change to unlearn old ways and learning new ways for our environment shouldn’t be as complicated as people should think it is. For the people that have more power than regular individuals, using their platforms to corporate more parks and green roofs for buildings.


        As an architecture major, I hope that in the future, I can use my platform to create buildings, parks, and houses that are sustainable for our environment. This research inspired me to be a future architect that cares not only for the customers and the aesthetic of a building, but how this building reacts with the environment. It can be as simple as using eco-friendly materials, a design that connects with nature, and creating a design that uses renewable energy. For someone that has more years to live on this planet than older generations that have created this issue and have been ignoring it, it is only right for me to be educated in this topic by these articles. These articles helped me understand the current situation of cities and how it contributes to climate change. Most importantly, it taught me that learning new ways to help fight climate change isn’t as complicated as we always thought it was. 

Final Reflection


Starting college had such a big impact on me, I was happy to start this new journey but for some reason I realized that it gets hard if only you put your mind into it.  Bad k in high-school I was always a big fan of wetting because it was a way I would express myself when wasn’t able to speak or for myself in general, it has thought me so much and where you should really start to take your writing skills important. It can bring you as far because writing and reading are two of the major thing society would eventually use in their daily life. I wasn’t exactly good at it, or thought of it as something I would’ve actually enjoyed.  This course has thought me a lot, specially about things that I didn’t know before, or the using of other apps, that was something I was struggling with when I first enter the semester was to get used to the app and way homework is being posted. It  was also a requirement for my major which I would later use, in order to improve my writing. I had to change the way I would write within a matter of min when writing a long sentence, I had to make sure that I am at least using college words, and had to me sure that I sound good for my readers, at any given moment. But one thing I can also say about this class is how you don’t need to master at either writing or reading to be good/// as long as you are trying your best. I learned from my peers and the professor itself, all of the feedbacks which encourage me to do ore, and best. All of these have helped me in ways I can’t even explain.

After High school I worked on managing my time more, because I think its something that a lot of people might be struggling with. I used to have problem with doing homework on time, and even sending them on time back in high school. I decided to set a habit to always wok on the homework posted the day that its being posted, because the way I can finish it before the due date. The one major subject that I am currently struggling with but am trying my best is math, I as never a big fan of math but throughout my middle/high school year I would always try to do my best in the class, which ended up happening. I never once thought coming to college would make math so hide for me,   I would try a problem In class but once I am alone or no one to work with I attempt to have panic attack on how it will come out, I also do struggle with remembering things. That’s one of the reason why I tried my best to keep count of all my work in this course as possible. This caused me to procrastinate in the class and can be very unfocused and not being Abe to do well on quizzes, or exam, that’s why I decided to change my ways and make a habit for myself to always be practicing math problems, every time I get a chance.


I really really love this project it was by far one of the work that we spent quite an amount of time working on. I was able to get a lot of details for my topic which was really really hard because I didn’t want to end up sounding the same for every paragraph I would wrote. It was in a way a sad topic because of hoe everyone is familiar to it, and all of the this is actually real. I would hope in my next course it would be or at least feel the same as this one because it was very straightforward to understand. Nothing was hard about it, the task was ride and clear and the teacher itself is a good listener, as well as teaching. I feel like I do have a favorite assignment that we did in class, but because they’re all were really good I can’t keep count but to say all of them was really nice and understanding.

After every work that was given I learned a lot on how to improve my writing. I feel better because materials was easy enough that I didn’t really have questions for, and was able to understand most parts.

To conclude in this ELA course  my skills have change overtime I am also becoming more interested in writing, reading more. I also learned that in order to improve, you have to keep with not only the work that its being posted but also in class assignment and participating in a way that you can, and to just stay quiet. That way you would learned/know about the material faster than you know it. That’s exactly why I tried to keep my homework  around 100% in everything. I would also tried to track the level of my writing skills in any essay I am writing before sending it over. I was really scared that I was going to have a Mid average in this class but found out that I am always on track with everything (I tried to be) and for that I was really happy, because English was never a course that I would do bad in. I loved every skills that the professor used in this class, because it boost my writing skills that I didn’t really have before. Now  I am able to know step by step how to write an argumentative essay and all the other essays without missing any steps that we covered in class. I can use these skills in the future for myself so I can outgrow and also help either my peers while in class, and outside Family/friends.


12/13 Unit one self review

  • What do l do well in this assignment? 

the usage of big words


  • What is my main point? What is the “so what” of this paper?

My main point was for people to understand the struggle of black suffrage in America


  • Who is my audience? Do I use the right language and tone to reach that audience?

My audience is the teachers, students, family members and every head police departments


  • What specific part(s) of the essay were a bit confusing? Why?

I don’t think any part of my essay was confusing


  • What specifically could I do to clarify the unclear parts of this writing? * (see below for suggestions)

rereading can be one to help this essay


  • What details, facts, or stories could you add to enhance the essay?

I don’t think I need any more details to add to enhance my essay.


  • What specific detail(s) do not work could be cut from the essay or could be moved within the essay for more clarity?

Nothing needs to be cut because the story won’t flow without each part.

Samuel Yarde 12/3/22


 Depression can hit people in many different ways, but I’m going to explain a few of what people go through. Depression affects people and kids, but nobody pays attention to when it affects kids. Society believes that kids are too young to go through depression but you’re never too young to experience certain things in life. 


Depression in parents is just as bad with kids with depression. Parental depression can affect kids and the significant other or even ruin the relationship. I feel like the woman with parental depression gets looked at as the one that needs help because society makes women noticeable when they are facing depression. The male figure on the other hand doesn’t get looked at because in society as a man they are supposed to fight it out. Mental Health is a big thing and not only one gender is supposed to be looked at as more important than the other. Parents are even to neglect their own kids while going through depression or change their behavior around them. 


Another way depression affected people was when covid was at its prime. Covid played a big role in depression, during the 2020-2021 lockdown many people were stuck in their homes, people were stressed out at the fact they couldn’t go anywhere. Many places were shut down and many people lost their jobs. A Lot of people felt isolated from the world and it even took people’s communication skills. Many people worked online or did online school and it had its difficulties. I feel like people that were stuck in their house faced a lot of depression for being away from the outside for too long. But as times are clearing up people are starting to be more outside and open. 


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