Finding Your Voice

Category: Portfolio & Reflection (Page 6 of 12)

Final reflection keon

Going to college was probably one of the smartest decisions Iā€™ve made, I didnā€™t really know what to expect with the classes I would have. I thought the work would be very hard and a lot to do but Iā€™ve managed to get through my first semester. I knew that I would get through it and finish the semester strong. With my English class it was really good because Professor Hall was a very good at keeping the class engaged and interested. She explains things very well and makes sure that we get the materials that we need in order to do what we have to do. That is what a professor is suppose to do while teaching a class because without the professor doing that the students taking the class will be confused trying to figure out what to do on their own or asking a peer. Thatā€™s why itā€™s good to try to interact with your professors such as asking questions, conversing, and even sharing your ideas to the professor.

Taking an English class this semester Iā€™ve improved in a couple of things. I feel like what I have improved on most was being able to add dialogue and be as detailed as possible in my writing. A time where I used dialogue in my writing was when I had to write my unit one paper. In the unit 1 assignment, at first I wrote, ā€œHe said donā€™t let this happen again or I will have to tell your mom.ā€ I had read it over and said to myself that it wasnā€™t descriptive so I switched it with, ā€œHe even said if this happened again I will tell your mom. I reacted fast and said ā€œNo please Donā€™tā€ with quickness.ā€œ now when I read this it was more descriptive. I could imagine myself in this scenario that I wrote. When writing itā€™s good to be descriptive in your writing because it allows the reader to stay interested and have the reader be able to imagine and picture themselves doing it as they read your paper. Another thing I have improved on is sentence focus, this is something that dr.Hall has taught me while taking the course. Sentence focus is being able toĀ make your sentences more focused, by doing that your writing will be more clear, and direct. Using Strong using strong and active verbs and using Ā nouns will help your sentence be more focused.

These skills will really help you in the long run and being able to use it will really benefit you. Now when it comes to essays I am able to write them and no be so lazy when I write because I have a bad habit of just writing what comes to mind and just typing instead of just analyzing what I am writing and trying to focus the sentence more which is why I am glad I learned a lot more about about sentence focusing

Furthermore, with this ELA course Ā I am glad I was able to have such an amazing teacher overall. I have learned a lot from doctor hall within this semester, my skills have change over some time and I have also became more interested in writing stories. Iā€™ve learned how to better my essays and make it flow more so that the story can sound more creative and more interesting. In order to be able to write a story you have to write from your point of view and also from what you know and seen. In order to improve you have to be dedicate and has to be something youā€™re really interested in to make it ten times better. Wats that you can learn is by participating and asking the teacher the questions, when you are quiet you tend to not know even if you do know. It helps you learn the Ā material faster. Every skill that I have learned in this class I have applied and will continue to use it in all of my writings and in the future. Applying these skills in class will also help you be able to help your peers and even family. Helping yourself become a better writer can also mean that you can help others around you become a better writer.


Final Portfolios due Dec 22 by 5 pm

Hi everyone!Ā  We’ve come to the end of the semester.Ā  I’m very proud of you!

Remember, final portfolios are due on Thursday, Dec 22 by 5 PM. No Exceptions! Please see the final portfolio assignment sheet for details.Ā  Post to Open Lab (using category “Final Portfolio!”) If you are using Google Docs or a word doc, please post a link to Open Lab. If you send me an email, it is likely to get lost in the shuffle. So, send a link!

Remember– the final portfolio includes:

  • Unit One (revised)Ā Ā 
  • Unit Two
  • Unit Three including Artist StatementĀ  (Revise either Unit Two or Unit Three)Ā 
  • Final Reflection (see assignment sheet)

As per the syllabus, your final grade is broken down in the following way:

  • Final portfolio Essay 1 20%
  • Final portfolio Essay 2 20%
  • Final Portfolio Essay 3 20%
  • Final Reflection (in final portfolio) 10%
  • (this means your final portfolio is worth 70% of your grade)Ā 
  • Homework/ participation 30%



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