Finding Your Voice

Category: Intro (Page 2 of 28)

homework for 11/15

I want to teach my audience that cops are no help when it comes to todays society(in some cases, not all to be exact). Ā I feel like they should be able to tell by now of how many time, police crime affect peopleā€™s lives, and also put them at risk. The reason why I said that because you would’ve thought having cops involved in every situation would go as you planned(Don’t get me wrong I know its not all situations is going to go right once the cops are involved) but every time something is happening, and you would think they would help you in the scene, because your the one who called, but turns out you ended up being a victim of them. I learned about this crime once that it was a dude being chased by gang members, and he had a stick just to protect his self, while running he decided to call the cops, when they got there the other teen fled. but as the cops approaching him he dropped his stick and told them, they’re ran but he was being chased and almost got killed. Even him explaining everything to the cops and still went head to take his life, because he was black of course the cops saw him as a threat while telling his side of the story, cops still think he armed or anything they shot him without thinking. I say this because don’t rely on calling the cops nowadays because you will end up getting all the blames that you shouldn’t. The audience that I am trying to reach out to is Youth, Student, Parents, and every big organizations, just for a change for the millions times in our life, that we have been trying. also the government its fair enough because they’re big, and have the ability to at least decrease the violence someway or maybe not (who knows). The genre I want to write it in was thinking either a poem or or a video still thinking. Those two ways are one of the the best ways to approach people and get their attention because it is more straight forward and its what you feel that you are putting in it and somewhat of what you know, but its more you’re heart and feelings over the topic. That’s why I wanted to do either one. I plan to get more information and use what I know and maybe do a way bigger project with it. One concern Iā€™ll probably have is the format if I would make a video that just it.

Rough Draft 11/3/2022


Talking about what these cops had put us through was always something that I was doing/into since High school. I even participated in so many gatherings and even got involved with an organization that was also based on this type of experience, because it has to do with black people. Which led me to do a lot of research going around speaking with family members that experienced it or public speaking. Things like this isnā€™t easy when doing research, it can get hard based on the event. There was so much information where it stood out to me, but at the same time put me through a chokehold reading about this information but the main thing that stood out to me was how in all of these events the cops were never wrong in the situation. Which is why it is an issue that I would want to know why arenā€™t they being seen as the bad guy!!!!. In one of my research back in high school hearing about it I was so shocked and sad, it was the Abner Louima case that was very severe when it comes to police brutality. ā€œAbner Louima is a Haitian American man in 1997, was physically attacked, brutalized, and raped by officers of the New York City Police Department after he was arrested outside a Brooklyn nightclub. His injuries were so severe that he required three major surgeries’ ‘ reading this made me feel sick to the stomach of how cruel these cops are. What could be done to put this into the end? There have been many riots and many more ways that not only black people but all races in general have put their heads together in order to send a message because we as a society would want this to stop.

Source #1:

Summary: To summarize my text with the whole sources put together is that Abner Louima went through so much that one day. Due to the fact that itā€™s too graphic I would love to explain it, but a more simple way is that these cops brought this young man in the bathroom and started treating him like garbage, and they even went out their way to call him out on his name. This was very tragic to read/write about because Iā€™ve heard so many stories where people get beaten by cops and yet they get so little punishment for their actions.

Source #2:


July 13, 2001


To continue with the Abner Louima case this article also goes into details about his tragic experience. It talked about how he received up to ā€œ$1.625 million from the Patrolmenā€™s Benevolent Association and $7.125 million from the cityā€. They mentioned that this was by far the highest amount the city has ever paid to resolve a case of police brutality. Something in there that he mentioned while being in court to his legal team was that ā€œhe was pleased that his long ordeal had played a role in reforms of the department whose officers had so brutally attacked him. The assault seriously damaged his rectum and bladder. Since that day he said, ā€I have vowed to do everything I can to ensure that the torture and cover-up I suffered will not be inflicted on my children or anyone elseā€™s children in the future.ā€ You can tell just because he was trying to do everything in his power to gain the justice that he deserves even with broken parts in his body, he wanted to make sure that it wasnā€™t something that his kids would have to live with ever again. He spent all these months(8 months) searching for an answer to his question which in the articles they stated ā€œthat the police union would respond to the internal problems that were exposed after his attack.



source entry: #3Ā the systemĀ 

Transforming the system


This site talked about the different ways that cops should/can handle themselves in certain situations. It mentioned so many rules/ guidelines that are clearly stated and in need of precautions, in one of the paragraphs they mentioned that in most cases police officers do violate the rules of doing their jobs which they have not been in the wrong for. ā€œPolice officers should be accountable public servants who work collaboratively, transparently, and fairly with all of the communities they serve. Too often, police departments and officers violate their role in the community and abuse their power by engaging in acts of excessive force; acting in an increasingly militarized capacity; abusing asset forfeiture policies; and routinely stopping and frisking entire communities, among other practices” To restate what this quote said is that in a lot of activities when police officers doesnā€™t handle their self in a positive manner they attempt to not get overlooked for what they done did, And they also talked how when it comes for them to be accountable is being able to do their work in a positive manner without abusing the power that they have. And in these articles they mentioned a lot of ways that these cops should be held accountable.



Ā In all of my three research I found a lot of things that I did not know about. I learned a lot about the Abner Louisa case because it was a case that was so intense. That’s the same reason how me and my organization did a lot of research about and was so happy that I was even able to write about it and tell you guys this story. I also learned different ways to really hold cops accountable throughout one of my sources. For example it stated that ā€œIn order to hold officers accountable, police departments must create and enforce policies, procedures, and other rules. Meaning that if they donā€™t create rules probably in most cases they would continue to do whatever they please, from my reading they mentioned many ways they can be held accountable in the law enforcement. And in order for that to happen the departmentā€™s policies, training, and supervision should all work together for effective accountability. I also learned how sometimes there can even be rules to follow but police officers decide to go their own way and do what they feel like, which is breaking the protocol for that particular job. I had researched about what would happen if they were ever to do that and found out so many things that would/should happen to them, When police officers break the law.

Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā I heard the courts have gotten involved and held police officers accountable for their wrongdoing, misconduct, and illegal acts. They can also go to prison, serve probation, and pay fines when they are convicted of criminal acts but that can be in some cases, it really depends. There were honestly a lot of things that surprised me for instance. In one of my sources they mentioned ā€œItā€™s impossible to hold police officers accountable if there are no formal rules to hold them toā€. Meaning that it can also be the department’s policy that probably insists on doing a great job of not talking to them of what is expected when working off and on duty. They also stated ā€œIf there is a consistent issue or problem within your department, that can mean one of two things: Either there isnā€™t a quality policy on the books, or the department isnā€™t appropriately applying the existing policy. I feel like either way both are a problem because that can lead to a lot of damages, I feel like the department policies should speak to these cops about core values and outline proper behavior. They should also be clear for them to understand protocol. I feel like (Youths,Family,Students, and so many more) should know about this because when we all as a society come in one and out of our head together, somehow certain things(not all) but some things can changeā€¦ Overall what I learned was very important because In New York City Police misconduct is the biggest out of so many crimes right now, and I think for once it should be stopped.

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