Finding Your Voice

Author: Vianca (Page 1 of 8)

Reflection rough draft – Vianca

Entering this school semester for my English course, has been a development in my writing academics and literature skills. It has been a great experience from start to end, in learning new ways in class for having a better relationship with writing/reading in a descriptive, creative and constructive way. In this course I have learned how to write a clearer and more understandable piece over big blurbs of overwhelming ideas and too big vocabulary that don’t match my sentence structure of what I am trying to write or talk about.

An example that is proven on how I improved in my analytical writing and being more constructive is in my unit 1 rough draft. I had a lot of information in that writing with little understanding of how to transition my storyline for the reader to understand. I understood that I had to write as if it was a POV with the reader; since the reader doesn’t know my life or what I am trying to talk about, I had to write in a way where it can be as concrete and adjustable as possible to the reader’s liking of understanding. For example in my final draft I put ā€œ I started actually boosting up my grades without even noticing, until a week before spring break where almost everything changed for me, from being a social butterfly to not talking to a single soul for the rest of the year to the first month of sophomore year. Letā€™s just say I was in the wrong situation at the wrong time with the wrong surroundings. Who would know that you can even considerĀ  friends ā€œfamilyā€. Safety Transfer was my only option and so I did that.ā€ as where i corrected that now in a revisionĀ  ā€œThat was until a week before spring break where almost everything changed for me. From being a social butterfly to not talking to a single soul for the rest of the year up to the first month of sophomore year. Being put into positions you weren’t supposed to be a part of and backstabbed by your own friends is unfortunately very common and seen as normal in this era of generation, but never would i imagine it would happen especially to me. Letā€™s just say I was in the wrong situation at the wrong time with the wrong surroundings. A Lot of things in life have their own consequences and mine was losing each and every one of my so-called friends to the point that my own safety was put at risk so Safety Transfer was my only option, and so I did thatā€. This gives me a lot of clarity now on how I see my work and gives me also the reassurance that it is okay to go over your work a number of times and how you can cut down long pieces into short and simpler sentences or dialogue that s more understandable when writing.

In This course I noticed in my writing and reading a lot of new things that reflected my appearance in my progression. I learned how to annotate, read through lines to understand the reading and ideas, create analysis, paragraph format, (PIE, sandwich quote, analytic essays, rhetorical analysis, concrete writing, etc). I did three units from creating my own analytical essay, then an educative persuasive essay, into displaying my information from unit 2 into a visual project. Doing the project is what I enjoyed the most in which I ended up having my brochure presented to others in order to hook them into my concept. The whole reason for that project was what are ways on how to catch the reader’s attention and how can you present your idea/research to them in a visual and apprehensive way. Basically, how to not bore your reader with overwhelming information and instead present them a new way of teaching and learning. In my brochure presentation I was a little overwhelmed in which I stated, ā€œI put too much informationā€ and was nervous to eventually lose my audience’s attention. That was before I presented and was relieved when I realized after that I maybe could have added a little bit more information, so my audience won’t be left with a question or doubt of wanting to know more in depth of the points that I made in my project since many of them did want to know more about certain pieces of my research information, I also received aĀ lot of feedback which made me want to fix my mistakes and better it to others’ understanding.

Throughout my whole English academic life, I’ve gone through numerous tips and tricks from different educators helping me not only just “perfect” my writing/reading but also understanding why I should do it. I went into this English course thinking I already know everything that’s going to be taught and there was going to be no struggle for me, just for me to be proven wrong that I indeed needed a lot more correction and revision to handle with my writings. It was never a struggle for me when reading and understanding a context, mostly the problem was on how to put my ideas onto paper in an organized, understandable and educative way. What I’ve learned from myself as a reader, writer, and scholar is that I am pretty good at getting details, knowing what I have to specifically find and what I should say, but what I’m not so good at is putting all that information in an illustrative and correct writing format. In this class that’s exactly what I learned how to do, basically the how in a concept. From the beginning of this course till now I have made successful progress when it comes to formatting my writing in a way that I can also connect with the reader and the writing can be as biased as possible. Although I still need to work on my time management, I have learned how to take my time when it comes to looking over my work and do it as many times as possible for corrections and anything that needs to be removed or fixed.Ā 

Knowing these new skills, I can take this for myself and use it on a day-to-day basis when it comes to communicating, writing, and reading. There’s never a perfect writing in my opinion but I believe that it is okay to ask others for advice and get others POV to make that writing as ā€œperfectā€ as possible. These tips will help me not get ahead of myself when it comes to over-explaining, under-explaining, not giving enough detail, or giving too much context, and in some way, sort my ideas out in as effective and transparent a way as possible and I’m glad I can take these skills along with me through my later on life.

Artist statement-vianca

Thereā€™s a big expansion in the world we live in with the way we acknowledge and more on so capture things with our mind. Going on from different ways to learn and comprehend others and yourself, you get a variety of ways to make up what youā€™re trying to learn and those could lead from, hands on, spoken, reading and even visual learning. Personally I learn things better hands on and visually. I like to see how things are done so when I do it myself I can know what to precisely do with little to no mistake put upon my hands, over, hearing what I have to do, and forgetting 2 minutes later. Visual learners love capturing ideas with pictures , drawings, shapes, colors ,Ā  and even a little bit of words. When you are trying to point out your opinion to a wide range of audience the first thing that should be in your mind is not only to get the information to them but to not give TOO much information, which can often lead to the audience/ reader getting bored and their attention span being caught to something else.Ā 

Ā I became interested in this topic mainly because I am a freshman in college , and will soon start to encounter the real world financial crisis of being financially independent (adulthood). I wanted to convey a message to other students just like me or even different than me,Ā  and whoĀ  are just struggling financially, to have an idea for a head start on how to, in general,Ā  know what to do when it comes to saving money, getting money and spending money. My audience mainly should attract people in college but can range also to high school students and people above college level , going from graduates, parents, or just regular human beings wanting financial advice. Although my research and idea can have a good impact on those who mostly need it eventually some time in their life, I had to think of a way on how to Portray that idea to them without getting them bombarded with so much financial information. Reading is great, let alone is good for you studies say, but reading too much of one specific idea can lead to little to almost no information captured and boredom overtaking that. When youā€™re trying to speak on about something you have to think clearly of how you want to portray that, and so my idea was, well if I can learn visually and obviously not everyone else is like me , we all end up learning something in some way , whatever Way it is , so why not make a brochure which is helpful for those visual learners and spoken learners so they can hear what I have to say while seeing it, and for those reading learners , they can read a little bit about what I have to say without being overwhelmed with too much info.Ā 

I wanted to make my brochure as simple yet illuminating as possible for the audience to capture the information but not get distracted with too much color or pictures. Iā€™m the beginning when I did my whole essay and research I didnā€™t know how I can put SOO much information into a descriptive and logical explanation for my audience. I couldā€™ve done a video, but I am shy and I didnā€™t feel as comfortable yet to speak and hear myself speak. I couldā€™ve done a speech but I didnā€™t want to have a big blurb of good information yet making it seem as interesting as possible to talk straight through the whole speech. So what I thought was I can combine speech and visual learning and make a brochure. Brochures are used to persuade someone into seeing, getting, or knowing something in little time, little information, and more visual context. When making my brochure it was easy to design everything , I knew I didnā€™t want too bright or too dark colors because bright can distract or bother and dark can bore, so I decided on neutral colors, which can just feel as comforting for the audience without too much visual disturbance. Pictures and designs were my favorite part because although Iā€™m not very good at presentations ,the experience in doing it was fun. Even after doing my whole research and essay, I still learned more while doing my brochure. Although building the brochure was easy , putting the actual information was the hard part. Since itā€™s a big topic and a lot of information is put into that topic, having to rationalize where I put my info, how I put it, and most importantly what I put as my information was the trickiest part to decide on. My main focus was to just inform the reader about financial literacy, tell them why they should incorporate it in their lives, and what are some ways they can start and continue their economical journey. At first I did a small draft of a presentation slide to section what Iā€™m going to split my work into, which at the end helped me decide how I can speak about my research to my audience. Although I thought I didnā€™t need help, the whole idea of splitting my project to the what, why and how of financial literacy and how I can put that Into my brochure was given by my professor. I panicked at the end when I had to present because I looked at my final piece and thought there was too much information but in fact after presenting I learned that it was actually an alright information pieceĀ  but if extra time was given , a little bit more wouldnā€™t have hurt at all.Ā 

I think I did a pretty good job for my first informational project, especially in college and I hoped I did at least a good outcome to those who maybe need it right now or can need it in the future.I think what I would have done differently is put more information. But not to the point that itā€™s too much, just enough to go more in depth to my financial advice. I am satisfied as to the outcome of how the brochure was organized and came out about and I know I can also use this for future reference in any other class that can be given to me in later on life.

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