Finding Your Voice

Author: Valerie (Page 4 of 4)

Homework 9/6

Ā  Ā When reading the article by Mike Bunn I really didnā€™t understand his point on how to read like a writer. When I first started reading I thought I was reading a short story but then I started to notice it was not that. I was confused I ended up having to read the article twice to get some understanding on what his trying to say. When Mike Bunn Said ā€œ you already an authorā€ I think he meant that we all have it in us. You donā€™t have to be the best at it to consider ourselves an author or you donā€™t have to have an interest in writing to be one. I donā€™t write out of joy really like other might do. Sometimes I do write down my thoughts when Iā€™m sad or anxious. I go to my notes and write down how my day went and how I feel. I do most of my writing for school as in homework assignments, essays etc. I do enjoy writing for school depending on the assignment. One of my last high school papers was supposed to be a fiction piece and I wrote a thriller. It was my favorite writing assignment Iā€™ve done.Ā 

Ā  Ā The words that I use in my everyday life thatā€™s authorships will help my college reading and writing career in many ways. It will build my skills In my writing pieces and will build my understanding of others writing. I didnā€™tā€™ find a lot that I would like to try in Bunn article. Ā I did like the flow of the article in the beginning he spoke about himself when he was younger and then moved on to information about writing like a writer. There was a part in the beginning I related a lot too. When he was talking about him working at the theater and how He had to focus really hard on what he was reading because of how loud the theater was. I struggle with that a lot for me to be able to read I need complete silence. So I didnā€™t really find something I wanted to try but I did find something to relate too. I hope that counts.

Intro HW#2

My name is Valerie, People who know me call me Val or V for short. My older sisters named me. It was important to them what I was name because they wanted my name to start with a V since their names are Virginia and Vanessa. My mom and sisters were practically in battle Because my mom wanted to call me Valeria and my sisters hated it when my mom was in the hospital they would call just to remind her that she has to spell it with a E at the end. Even though my name is legally Valerie close family and friends call me Valeria. My mom calls me that when Iā€™m in trouble or wants something from me. I donā€™t like when strangers call me Valeria Ā or people Iā€™m not close with because over all its not my name, its a family thing. I love my name especially when its said in Spanish. One thing is that people mistakenly say it and write it Iā€™ve had people call me valorie or Valeria Ā or would write my name like valery and when I correct them they try to tell me thatā€™s not how to pronounce it or how to write it. Itā€™s Ā happen many times surprisingly, I take how people pronounce my name seriously Iā€™ve gone through situation that because Iā€™m Latina they call me Valeria (since its more of a Latina name) or disregard my name and call me senorita in the moment it made me very angry because it not a hard or uncommon name they did it to be rude. Ā It doesnā€™t take away how I own it even though people have the same name as me its still my name because theirs not another Valerie like me. Ā Iā€™m proud of my name its not very unique but was given to me from strong, wise, and intelligent women in my life, they taught me a lot and Iā€™m very grateful to have them in my life Because of them their guidance I am who I am today.


Unprepared, unprepared is how i been feeling and its very annoying because Iā€™m always prepared. Iā€™m worried that i wonā€™t understand the work and fall behind. This very different for and wasnā€™t what i was expecting it to be. For example I mistakenly thought that this assignment was due Thursday and if it wasnā€™t for my boyfriend that reminded me about it I wouldā€™ve gotten a zero. I feel there a lot to wrap around my head and somethingā€™s are just not clicking. Hopefully, I get a routine down and it gets easier to keep up with. This is the photo i choose this is me Ā doing my valedictorian speech at Ā my graduation I couldnā€™t wait for the day to be over but I honestly wish i can go back. This picture makes me feel proud of myself. I choose it because it reminds me of my accomplishments and reminds me to not give up.


Valerie Uribe

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