Finding Your Voice

Author: Osman (Page 2 of 2)

learning my Name by Mohammad Hassan HW

My name is osman I got it from my dad’s best friend I was named after him. And originally named Islamic one of the companions of the prophet Muhammad PBUH. The name means wise, most powerful, and intuitive it’s a very popular name in Mauritania where I was born and from. People usually pronounce it wrong but I got used to it because it’s written in the documents Ethmane so I hate when people say Ethmane because that’s not my name uth-man is the correct way to say it or os-man. My name is osman I got it from my dad’s best friend I was named after him. And originally named Islamic one of the companions of the prophet Muhammad PBUH. The name means wise, most powerful, and intuitive it’s a trendy name in Mauritania where I was born and from. People usually pronounce it wrong but I got used to it because it’s written in the documents Ethmane so I hate when people say Ethmane because that’s not my name uth-man is the correct way to say it or os-man. I love my name, to be honest, its very unique; not many people have it and because it’s very important in Islam, I love it. In my country Mauritania we are very religious so most of the kids have Islamic-related names so that’s why all my family and people in my country have names related to Islam. But something that I hate people that are islamophobic usually based on those Islamic-related names they would judge a person badly just by their name or their cultural cloth which is very sad. the world should be a loving place where we all love and care for each other and treat each other the same. But if I had to change my name to something it would be Ibrahim another Islamic name of one of the prophets of Islam and very highly beloved in the Islamic world and significance of these words to Muslims around the world is very important and crucial of Muslims.

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