Finding Your Voice

Author: Carrie Hall (Page 3 of 12)

Homework for Tuesday, Nov 29

  1. Have a Happy Thanksgiving
  2. Keep working on Unit 3.  Remember, Rough drafts will be due on Dec 1 (you’ll need to decide what your RD will look like, but you’ll need to have SOMETHING to show, not just a paragraph or a plan). Final drafts due Dec 6.


Homework for Tuesday

Hi everyone! For Tuesday, please:

  1. Post the schedules you wrote in class for Unit 3 (that is, what is your plan, class by class, to have a RD for Unit 3 by Dec 1 and a Final Draft by Dec 6?)
  2. Do what you gave yourself as homework for this weekend!
  3. Write 2-3 sentences explaining what you did and how it went.


For those of you who missed class, please write yourself a plan for Unit 3. These are the remaining homework days (including today) that we have until it is due: 

  • Nov 17 (today– you have a weekend to work) 
  • Nov 22 (then you have thanksgiving break– a week until the next class)
  • Nov 29 (your Rough Draft is due on the next class. What do you want your RD to look like? You’ll need to bring something in to share and workshop)
  • Dec 1 (Rough draft– you will have the weekend to finish your project)
  • Dec 6 (Unit 3 is due!) 


Homework for Thursday

READ (and comment): Read at least two of your colleagues’ Unit 3 proposals, and comment on them. Comments should be at least 150 words. Please do not simply say “sounds great!” because that is not helpful! Think about the kind of things that might be helpful to you as you embark on this project. Here are some ideas: 

  • A specific publication or website you think the author could write for
  • A question or comment to help narrow down the audience: “You say you want young people to watch this video essay, but there’s no publication that all young people watch. Are you actually trying to reach New Yorkers?”
  • A question or comment to help narrow down the genre: “There are a lot of different kinds of articles in the world. You could be writing for a newspaper like the New York Times or a website like Buzzfeed, and the writing is totally different for both. Can you be more specific?”
  • You can also just talk about things in the proposal you would like to see in the project.  “I think that’s great that you’re writing a comic book about the history of streetwear. I’d definitely like to see a page about Dapper Dan, he’s my hero!”

START: Start working on Unit Three! You’ve already thought about what your first steps should be– now get started on them.  We only have 4 more classes until this project is due on Dec 6th! (Nov 17, 22, 29 and Dec 1– when rough drafts are due)

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