Finding Your Voice

Author: Carrie Hall (Page 1 of 12)

Final Portfolios due Dec 22 by 5 pm

Hi everyone!  We’ve come to the end of the semester.  I’m very proud of you!

Remember, final portfolios are due on Thursday, Dec 22 by 5 PM. No Exceptions! Please see the final portfolio assignment sheet for details.  Post to Open Lab (using category “Final Portfolio!”) If you are using Google Docs or a word doc, please post a link to Open Lab. If you send me an email, it is likely to get lost in the shuffle. So, send a link!

Remember– the final portfolio includes:

  • Unit One (revised)  
  • Unit Two
  • Unit Three including Artist Statement  (Revise either Unit Two or Unit Three) 
  • Final Reflection (see assignment sheet)

As per the syllabus, your final grade is broken down in the following way:

  • Final portfolio Essay 1 20%
  • Final portfolio Essay 2 20%
  • Final Portfolio Essay 3 20%
  • Final Reflection (in final portfolio) 10%
  • (this means your final portfolio is worth 70% of your grade) 
  • Homework/ participation 30%



In-class, Tuesday Dec 13

  1. Padlet:
  2. The Maker’s Eye:
  3. Go to your final draft of Unit One.
    • Read through it
    • Answer the following questions (you can do this on a piece of paper and take a photo, or answer in the comments on the Open Lab)
        1. What do l do well in this assignment? (List one or more aspects.)
        2. What is my main point? What is the “so what” of this paper?
        3. Who is my audience? Do I use the right language and tone to reach that audience?
        4. What specific part(s) of the essay were a bit confusing? Why?
        5. What specifically could I do to clarify the unclear parts of this writing? * (see below for suggestions)
        6. What details, facts, or stories could you add to enhance the essay?
        7. What specific detail(s) do not work could be cut from the essay  or could be moved within the essay for more clarity?

Homework for Tuesday

Hello everyone! For Tuesday, please post a draft of your Final Reflection . I describe it in more detail below! Please also post any questions you might have about the final portfolio to the Open Lab.

UPDATE: I did get covid. I feel much better, but am still testing positive, so I can’t come back to campus, which means we will be meeting tomorrow, at our regular class time on Zoom. Please check your emails and text messages for the Zoom link. I can’t post it here because of Zoom bombers! 

Some people were having trouble with this link. You can go to it directly on youtube here:

Here are some examples from past semesters (used with student permission, of course!)

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