Finding Your Voice

Author: Coumba Diallo (Page 2 of 7)

HW 11/15

The most important thing I want to teach my audience is that us women should come together and help each other out. We should bring awareness of wha tis going on to females I Ethiopia. I am trying to reach females All cross the USA because I believe we have more resources here. I am planning on making a fake makeup advertisement to bring out the awareness. Either a online magazine post or a fake makeup tutorial video. I want to use one of these ideas because it’s easier to grab females attention and bring awareness to the female community by using makeup as a bait. I plan on getting started by looking at some fake advertisement I usually see on Tiktok and try to adjust mine into it. I’m worried that my idea would be confusing to understand or wouldn’t really attract the people I want. my concerns on finishing this project is that we wouldn’t have enough Time.

Final Draft 11/8

How are Women Rights in Ethiopia being affected by traditions?

What is affecting women rights in Ethiopia?Ethiopia is a country in the horn of Africa. There are many different ethnic groups in Ethiopia. Ethiopia women are facing a lot of issues where people are trying their hardest to not know what’s going on. Females are struggling in a place they call home. They are being inequality treated to the point when will it ever end? They are being treated as if they shouldn’t have a say on their rights or how their life should be going. Many women in Ethiopia are facing FGM underground because they dont have say on their rights. It was supposingly banned but that’s what they want us to think. Many generations are being taught that FGM is the only way for a women to be married. In Ethiopia these women are being fed lies and beliefs just to take away their rights and make it okay. Women rights in Ethiopia needs the recognition and support to stop them from continuing hurting these females. 

Source One Adinew, Y.M., Mekete, B.T. I knew how it feels but couldn’t save my daughter; testimony of an Ethiopian mother on female genital mutilation/cutting. Reprod Health 14, 162 (2017). Published December 2017

Summary – This article gives us a clear understanding on what FGM is and how it starts to come about in Ethiopia. FGM involves the partial or total removal of external female genital or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. The overall summary of this article was to talk about a mothers experience. This article didn’t just tell me what FGM is but gave readers a statement on what a victim had to say. The victim mentioned how she wasn’t able to save her daughter. Also mentions how FGM was supposedly banned but was still being done underground. Ethiopia has failed its women’s rights by not banning FGM and taking the proper actions for it. This article gives us a glimpse of how a woman in Ethiopia is treated.

I also noticed that in this article the mother in the story talks about blaming The elderly because I made it the idea of females getting a FGM was able to get married. So the mother talked about how the elderly impacted the FGM action. This just goes to show that the cycle never ends unless people take the proper action.

Rhetorical Analysis – Yohannes Andinew is an interview that interviewed women at the  Ethiopia health organization. This article was published by Reproductive Health and was published June 2017. During this time people had thought the FGM was banned but people started to notice it was still going on underground. This author uses logos and pathos into conveying the message of FGM in Ethiopia. The author gives us a short personal story on a Ethiopian women that went through this horrific event to bring out the message of FGM. The purpose of this article was to show readers women rights in Ethiopia doesn’t get them the help and support they need. Author conveys this message bye using an aggressive tone and a sympathetic attitude. The author wants readers to feel these women and feel what they are going through. Not just physically but mentally these women are being tortured. The effect these choices have on the audience is that we get to understand how the mother wasn’t able to do anything because she went through the same thing.

The author shows readers how these women are being fed tales that if they want to get married they will have to do the FGM. So the author basically gives readers an idea of how it is living in Ethiopia as a woman. The author uses real life experiences to send out the message of FGM.

Key notes ; “If circumcision is a precondition for marriage, a mother will get her daughter circumcised. She knew how it feels from her own experience, she might even have suffered a lot but no mother can sit and watch her daughter left unmarried.”

“Thus, anti-FGM/C interventions shall take in to account elders influence and incorporate a human rights approach rather than relying merely on its dire health consequences”

Second source Moore, Jina. “7 Poems That Show What It’s like to Be a Girl in Ethiopia.” BuzzFeed News, BuzzFeed News, 23 June 2015

Poem name ” What happened to me didn’t happen to others”

Summary- In this poem we get a brief understanding of how gender roles are played in Ethiopia. This girl wasn’t able to go to school but her brother was and she never understood why. As readers we notice how she felt a way because of the use of words she used. In What happened to me didn’t happen to others she states “When my mother sends my brother to schoolShe says to me — work at home.Clean the house. Make food.My brothers come from school.He comes and eats when he’s hungry.If he wants, he can study.He can be as he wants.But me, I don’t know what the outside looks like”. This shows she’s trapped in this world her mom created and she doesn’t know how to escape. I feel as if the gender roles in Ethiopia is so forced that females feel as if they are trapped away from the outside world. I agree how the author uses her words in the poem even though she’s not physically trapped at home but mentally she is. The author of the poem also expresses how she wants to make sure her daughter doesn’t face what she went through living in Ethiopia. She keeps repeating she’s going to take her daughter to school and give her a better world. She also talks about her mom not liking the fact she ended up going to school with her brother. This is because her mom was never taught that It was okay for females to go to school

Rhetorical analysis – Moore, Jina. “7 Poems That Show What It’s like to Be a Girl in Ethiopia.” BuzzFeed News, BuzzFeed News, 23 June 2015, The author is a female that grew up in Ethiopia.The author audience are females facing gender inequality and future generations of females. The author also expresses her future daughter in the poem saying she’s writing this for her to know things will be different. This author made this poem during this time because gender inequality was getting worse and she wanted answers. The purpose of this poem was to show young Ethiopian females there is going to be changes we just have to start with our future kids.  The author using a poem expressed what she was trying to address because we can feel the words she uses. When the author kept using question marks at the end of each phrase I notice that she really wants answer and for someone to give it to her.   She’s asking these questions as to why this is happening to her like how she expressed in her title. The effects of these choices have is that we can feel that the author wants clarity and she does want to understand how come her brother goes to school and she cants. She’s connecting to the audience using these questions for readers to think about it as well.

key notes -Once my uncle came from the North.He wanted to see me and my brother.He just became angry and shouted at my mom.He says, what’s going on with your mom?Why didn’t you send her to school?Why you didn’t send her?Why you just put her at home?So you want her to be like you?Staying at home?Then, my mom feels sad

Now, I will educate my girlNot to repeat my own story with my daughter.It started with my mom, but won’t go on with my daughter. Not making my girl stay at home.I will let her out to go to school.Never will happen to her what happened to me.

Third Source YouTube video ” Ethiopian woman shares truth about the futures women rights” By Blen Sahilu

Summary – In this YouTube video Blend gives us an overview of how women rights in Ethiopia can only be changed when we do something about it. She basically talks about how younger women in Ethiopia now have role models to look up too. Younger females can say how they can become something else rather than a stay at home mom or a female that doesn’t attend school. She also mentions how society should start seeing women as equals and as capable as men. Blen talks about women in Ethiopia needing to have the understanding and belief that they can become something so they can start to feel more confident in the things they do. Blen also mentions Barack Obama saying how if we had a female like him Ethiopian women would start to have faith. In the YouTube video Blen says ” After the presidency of Barack Obama everyone thought that ” The issue of race has been handled” and the difference that made is going to last a long time” Blen inserts this quote in her interview because she thinking if leadership in women comes about the Ethiopian women would start to think oh there is change when it comes to equality. At the end of the video she also mentions Ethiopia starts to become safe for women and she meant safe by harassment so that women can feel Ethiopia is a safe place for them.

Rhetorical Analysis- This YouTube video was made in fall 2018 for women in Ethiopia to know that they can change the women rights they just have to believe they can. This video is for young females in Ethiopia to know that they can become something and they have other Ethiopian women they can look up to. The purpose of this YouTube video was for Ethiopian women to understand that they have to start believing that they can be something in this world no matter who’s telling them no. The YouTube video used so many images and short mini videos of females in Ethiopia going to school and working outside of home. Blen tone during the interview in the video was very encouraging for viewers to understand that she is serious. The video also uses similarities in the video for viewers to understand what Blen was trying to portray. The effect these choices have on viewers is that maybe women rights can be changed differently in the future. I say this because when Barack Obama became president people started to think racial profiles were ended. So for me to use this in the video it makes me open my eyes on how women rights can be changed also by having women leadership.

Key notes – ” Barack Obama becoming president ended racial profiles older women can end women rights for younger females by more women leadership”

” Females need to come together has a sisterhood to end all the inequality in Ethiopia”

The hurt us women are facing needs to stop. We are ignoring the problems just because it isn’t happening in “our country” which makes our sisterhood look bad. Us women need to come together and help each other whether that’s go-fund me or writing a post to bring awareness. I noticed in all my sources I’ve looked at that Ethiopian women are lacking the support they really need to overcome these women rights struggles. I also noticed that they only have each other, no other outside support or help. I also found in my research that FGM is a cause of failed women rights in Ethiopia. Even though they are saying It’s banished It’s still being practiced underground. These sources taught me that we can change the future as long as we believe we can. Especially source 2 and 3 at the end I realized ending these women rights can’t be done with one person it has to be ended with all of us women coming together. What surprised me mostly about the research was when the sources made me realize no one really helps until It’s being done to them. The understanding of my question is that it’s not really the traditions that affect women rights, it’s the support. The women rights in Ethiopia are being labeled as just how traditions are but it’s not the case. The case is that they are treating women rights as if it isn’t a problem at all. This is important for me to learn because now I will stop looking at women rights as a cause by traditions but instead I would look at the people that’s not helping these women as the cause. Females all over the world need to realize these issues and not just people in Ethiopia. We all need to try to help each other and stop the failure in rights to continue.



Rough Draft 11/3

Ethiopia women are facing a lot of issues where people are trying their hardest to not know what’s going on. They are being treated as if they shouldn’t have a say on their rights or how their life should be going. Many women in Ethiopia are facing FGM underground because they dont have say on their rights. We need to support the Ethiopian women and stop the end of how they are being treated. 

Adinew, Y.M., Mekete, B.T. I knew how it feels but couldn’t save my daughter; testimony of an Ethiopian mother on female genital mutilation/cutting. Reprod Health 14, 162 (2017). Published December 2017

Summary – This article gives us a clear understanding on what FGM is and how it starts to come about in Ethiopia. FGM involves the partial or total removal of external female genital or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. The overall summary of this article was to talk about a mothers experience. This article didn’t just tell me what FGM is but gave readers a statement on what a victim had to say. The victim mentioned how she wasn’t able to save her daughter. Also mentions how FGM was supposedly banned but was still being done underground. Ethiopia has failed its women’s rights by not banning FGM and taking the proper actions for it. This article gives us a glimpse of how a woman in Ethiopia is treated.

I also noticed that in this article the mother in the story talks about blaming The elderly because I made it the idea of females getting a FGM was able to get married. So the mother talked about how the elderly impacted the FGM action. this just goes to show that the cycle never ends unless people take the proper action.

Rhetorical Analysis – Yohannes Andinew is a interview that interviewed women at the  Ethiopia health organization. This article was published by the Reproductive Health and was published June 2017. During this time people had thought the FGM was banned but people started to notice it was still going on underground. This author uses logos and pathos into conveying the message of FGM in Ethiopia. The author gives us a short personal story on a Ethiopian women that went through this horrific event to bring out the message of FGM. The purpose of this article was to show readers women rights in Ethiopia doesn’t get them the help and support they need. Author conveys this message bye using an aggressive tone and a sympathetic attitude. The author wants readers to feel these women and feel what they are going through. Not just physically but mentally these women are being tortured. These effect these choices have on audience is the we get to understand how the mother wasn’t able to do anything because she went through the same thing.

The author shows readers how these women are being fed tales that if they want to get married they will have to do the FGM. So the author basically gives readers an idea of how it is living in Ethiopia as a woman. The author uses real life experiences to send out the message of FGM.

Key notes ; “If circumcision is a precondition for marriage, a mother will get her daughter circumcised. She knew how it feels from her own experience, she might even have suffered a lot but no mother can sit and watch her daughter left unmarried.”

“Thus, anti-FGM/C interventions shall take in to account elders influence and incorporate a human rights approach rather than relying merely on its dire health consequences”

This citation is difficult to make because I found this poem on a website and it doesn’t include the authors name.

Poem name ” What happened to me didn’t happen to others”

Summary- In this poem we get a brief understanding of how gender roles are played in Ethiopia. This girl wasn’t able to go to school but her brother was and she never understood why. As readers we notice how she felt a way because of the use of words she used. In What happened to me didn’t happen to other she states “When my mother sends my brother to schoolShe says to me — work at home.Clean the house. Make food.My brothers come from school.He comes and eats when he’s hungry.If he wants, he can study.He can be as he wants.But me, I don’t know what the outside looks like”. This shows she’s trapped in this world her mom created and she doesn’t know how to escape. I feel as if the gender roles in Ethiopia is so forced that females feel as if they are trapped away from the outside world. I agree how the author uses her words in the poem even though she’s not physically trapped at home but mentally she is. The author of the poem also expresses how she wants to make sure her daughter doesn’t face what she went through living in Ethiopia. She keeps repeating she’s going to take her daughter to school and give her a better world. She also talks about her mom not liking the fact she ended up going to school with her brother. This is because her mom was never taught that It was okay for females to go to school

Rhetorical analysis – For some reason I am not able to find the authors name but I do know that the author is a Ethiopian women that grew up in Ethiopia. I received the poem from this website. The author audience are females facing gender inequality and future generations of females. The author also expresses her future daughter in the poem saying she’s righting this for her to know things will be different. This author made this poem during this time because gender inequality was getting worse and she wanted answers. The purpose of this poem was to show young Ethiopian females there is going to be changes we just have to start with our future kids.  The author using a poem expressed what she was trying to address because we can feel the words she uses. When the author kept using question marks at the end of each phrase I notice that she really wants answer and for someone to give it to her.   She’s asking these questions as to why this is happening to her like how she expressed in her title. The effects of these choices have is that we can feel that the author wants clarity and she does want to understand how come her brother goes to school and she cants. She’s connecting to the audience using these questions for readers to think about it s well.

key notes -Once my uncle came from the North.He wanted to see me and my brother.He just became angry and shouted at my mom.He says, what’s going on with your mom?Why didn’t you send her to school?Why you didn’t send her?Why you just put her at home?So you want her to be like you?Staying at home?Then, my mom feels sad

Now, I will educate my girlNot to repeat my own story with my daughter.It started with my mom, but won’t go on with my daughter. Not making my girl stay at home.I will let her out to go to school.Never will happen to her what happened to me.

YouTube video ” Ethiopian woman shares truth about the futures women rights” By Blen Sahilu

Summary – In this YouTube video Blen gives us an overview of how women rights in Ethiopia can only be changed when we do something about it. She basically talks about how younger women in Ethiopia now have roll models to look up too. Younger females can say how they can become something else rather than a stay at home mom or a female that doesn’t attend school. She also mentions how society should start seeing women has equals and as capable as men. Blen talks about women in Ethiopia needing to have the understanding and belief that they can become something so they can start to feel more confident in the things they do. Blen also mentions Barack Obama saying how if we had a female like him Ethiopian women would start to have faith. In the YouTube video Blen says ” After the presidency of Barack Obama everyone thought that ” The issue of race has been handled” and the difference that made is going to last a long time” Blen inserts this quote in her interview because she thinking if leadership in women comes about the Ethiopian women would start to think oh there is change when it comes to equality. At the end of the video she also mentions Ethiopia starts to become safe for women and she meant safe by harassment so that women can feel Ethiopia is a safe place for them.

Rhetorical Analysis- This YouTube video was made in fall 2018 for women in Ethiopia to know that they can change the women rights they just have to believe they can. This video is for young females in Ethiopia to know that they can become something and they have other Ethiopian women they can look up too. The purpose of this YouTube video was for Ethiopian women to understand that they have to start believing that they can be something in this world no matter who’s telling them no. The YouTube video used so many images and short mini videos of females in Ethiopia going to school and working outside of home. Blen tone during the interview in the video was very encouraging for viewers to understand that she is serious. The video also uses similarities in the video for viewers to understand what Blen was trying to portray. The effect these choices have on viewers is that maybe women rights can be changed different in the future. I say this because when been mentioned Barack Obama becoming presidency people started to thing racial profiles were ended. So for been to use this in the video it makes me open my eyes on hoe women rights can be changed also by having women leadership.

Key notes – ” Barack Obama becoming president ended racial profiles older women can end women rights for younger females by more women leadership”

” Females need to come together has a sisterhood to end all the inequality in Ethiopia”

The hurt us women are facing needs to stop. We are ignoring the problems just because it isn’t happening in “our country” which makes our sister hood looks bad. Us women need to come together and help each other weather that’s go-fund me or writing a post to bring awareness. I noticed in all my sources I’ve looked at that Ethiopian women are lacking the support they really need to overcome these women rights struggle. I also noticed that they only have each other no other outside support or help. I also found in my research that FGM

is a cause of failed women rights in Ethiopia. Even though they are saying It’s banished It’s still being practiced underground. These sources taught me that we can change the future as long as we believe we can. Especially source 2 and 3 at the end I realized ending these women rights can’t be doe with one person it has to be ended with all of us women coming together. What surprised me mostly about the research was when the sources made me realize no one really helps until It’s being done to them. The understanding of my question is that its not really the traditions that effect women rights its the support. The women rights in Ethiopia are being labeled has that’s just how traditions are but its not the case. The case is that they are treating women rights has if it isn’t a problem at all. This is important for me to learn because now I will stop looking at women rights as a cause by traditions but instead I would look at the people that’s not helping these women as the cause. Females all over the world need to realize these issues and not just people in Ethiopia. We all need to try to help eachother and stop the fail in rights to continue.



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