My name is Eduard it comes from my dad, we have the same first name, middle name, and last name. My mom told me that my dad decided to put me that name because he was leaving the country (DR) and wanted me to have the same name as him. I like my name because it is the same as my dad’s name and I look like him and act a lot like him, I also like my name because it is unique since it is Eduard with a U and not with a W (Edward). Here in the United States when I’m with my dad people call me JR or Eduard JR but in the Dominican Republic when I was with my dad my mom used to call Eduita.   When I’m with my dad’s family my grandfather calls me Eduard pequeño (little Eduard). Something fun about having the same name as my dad is that sometimes I joke with that when he gets old I’m going to claim his cheeks from the government. Thinking about the future I’m going to name my future son the same name that my dad has because I think it will be a cool thing.