- Padlet: https://hallnycct.padlet.org/chall174/97vnolw801yis9op
- The Maker’s Eye: https://nabuckler.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/the-makers-eye.pdf
- Go to your final draft of Unit One.
- Read through it
- Answer the following questions (you can do this on a piece of paper and take a photo, or answer in the comments on the Open Lab)
- What do l do well in this assignment? (List one or more aspects.)
- What is my main point? What is the “so what” of this paper?
- Who is my audience? Do I use the right language and tone to reach that audience?
- What specific part(s) of the essay were a bit confusing? Why?
- What specifically could I do to clarify the unclear parts of this writing? * (see below for suggestions)
- What details, facts, or stories could you add to enhance the essay?
- What specific detail(s) do not work could be cut from the essay or could be moved within the essay for more clarity?
Briana U