When I decided to go to college, I thought I was going to have a lot of trouble because my English is not at a college level. But I knew that I needed to give out my best and put a lot of work into what I was doing. Having Prof. Hall as my teacher was a big thing for me because she does a good job at explaining what you really need to do and she always makes sure that everyone understands before moving on.


This semester, I improved in a variety of areas, but one in particular was adding details to a scene. In the unit 1 assignment, I wrote, “ At first, it was hard to play baseball because I didn’t know English and I was scared of going out to the park without my dad. At the time, it was hard for me to play because, at the time, basketball was my brother’s favorite sport. I went to the park once a week with my dad”. After I did a revision, I wrote, “At first, it was hard to play baseball because I didn’t know English and I was scared of going out to the park without my dad. At the time, it was hard for me to play because, at the time, basketball was my brother’s favorite sport. I went to the park once a week with my dad. Going to the park with my dad was always a good and exciting time because we both liked baseball since we were little it was also a really special moment to me because I got to show my dad that I didn’t used to live with all my baseball skill, and it was nice seeing him smiling and getting surprised with how I play”

As you can see, I include details about me going to the park with my dad to play baseball, as well as my emotions.


This semester, my favorite assignment was the unit one assignment because I got to talk about how I got into baseball and a special day in my life. I had a lot of fun doing this assignment because talking about baseball and going back to when I used to live in the Dominican Republic was really special for me. My least favorite assignment was the unit 2 assignment, not because it was long but because it was hard for me to find three different articles that were not talking about the same thing. Also, for me I don’t like reading a lot of assignments and like reading an article to find out that it has the same point as my other article was not fun.


After completing the unit three assignment, I learned that you need to stick to your first. My first pick was a video where I was going to talk on it, but after my first draft, I was thinking about making one where I didn’t need to talk and just put the words on the screen. After doing it for like 30 minutes, I realized that the video would be too long because I needed to add more time so people could read what was on the screen. So I went back to my original ideal and did a two minute video where I even included my coach.