Finding Your Voice

Homework for 10/25

John Kuroski. “How Mansa Musa Became The Richest Person In History”. All That’s Interesting.  Published September/19/2021.

Summary: How Mansa Musa Became The Richest Person In History” by John Kuroski is an article that Talks about Mansa Musa’s Lasting Impact on his kingdom and all the things he did that set his empire up for success years after his death. Mansa Musa was not a Greedy person that Kept all that wealth to himself, instead he was a very generous emperor that would often give out so much Gold that the value of Gold would decrease. Aside from handing out Gold to people that needed or simply just giving away Gold because he Had so much, he used his Wealth to do much more. The Article Goes into detail on how Mansa Musa used his wealth to help his empire and help raise his empire as a whole. Mansa Musa was a strong advocate for Education and islamic education. During his reign he built a great number of mosques and universities in Mali. This later lead to Timbuktu Mali becoming one of the most “Prominent cities in the Islamic world”(Kuroski).

Key Quotes:

“Ultimately, he used most of it to build a great number of mosques (legend says he built one every Friday during his reign), the most famous of which is the Djinguereber Mosque. He also commissioned several universities throughout the kingdom.”

“While Mansa Musa was alive, his investment in Islamic education in Mali drew scores of Muslim scholars, poets, and artisans to his empire. They congregated in Timbuktu, which quickly became known as one of the most prominent cities in the Islamic world.”

“In addition, Musa quite literally put himself, and his empire, on the map. His caravan during his Mecca pilgrimage had attracted so much attention that Europeans — who were thousands of miles away — heard about the trip.”

Rhetorical analysis:

The author of this Article is John Kuroski, the article was published by the “All things interesting digital publisher”.  This article is for the general audience or students and scientists that want to learn more about Mansa Musa’s impact on his empire. The occasion was stop bring light to Mansa Musa’s  impact and all the things he did to help his empire prosper. The Genre is a Historical non fiction because it is biased on real events that occurred in the past. The tone is a neutral tone, there is no bias because this is purely biased on facts.

Quote Sandwich:   In “How Mansa Musa Became The Richest Person In History” John Kuroski writes,”Ultimately, he used most of it to build a great number of mosques (legend says he built one every Friday during his reign), the most famous of which is the Djinguereber Mosque. He also commissioned several universities throughout the kingdom.” In short John Kuroski emphases the idea that Mansa Musa was a strong believer in islamic education and saw the importance of having a place where people could come together and learn more about the islamic religion and to also gain new found knowledge. Mansa Musa Felt so strongly about this that he Built so many Mosques all around his empire during his reign. This further proves to me how great of an emperor Mansa Musa was. Not only was he generous and would had out Gold to anyone who needed, but he also brought people together through religion. He was a strong believer in education and religious education because he himself was a devout muslim. He could have been selfish and kept all his wealth to himself and did as he pleased but instead he used his wealth to not only help people but to also help his empire as a whole by providing them easier access to education and religious education.





  1. Carrie Hall

    Patrina, great start and an especially great summary. I do think you could do more of a rhetorical analysis. I know it seems like there’s not a lot of analysis to be done here, since it’s just facts, but think about how it feels to read something in this tone (vs the poem). What is the purpose of writing in this tone? Hint: a lot of times people, including yourself, feel that these types of authors have a lot of authority. So even if you say there is a neutral tone, show us a quote that’s an example of this tone. Likewise, think about who the audience for this piece is, and why that tone might be the best way to reach them (or why it might not be!)

    • Carrie Hall

      Keep in mind, you could say something totally false in this kind of tone. Do you think people would still believe you because it “sounded” factual?

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