Is there a deeper reason why the Cecil hotel is tied to many tragic incidents? when I think of everything that’s happened in the Cecil hotel I wonder if it is genuinely coincidental or if there can be more to it. Was the land cursed? Was the Hotels career doomed, to begin with?  Did the Hotel being built in a dangerous area contribute to its reputation today? I drove by it one time when I was on vacation in Los Angeles and on the actual street it looked nice well kept, 2 streets down it was the complete opposite it was dirty, and there were homeless people with tents and people doing drugs. I feel like the new owners pushed the reality of the area out to shelter their customers. The hotel was built in a low-income area where a lot of crime occurs. After seeing it in person I kinda understood why the area itself had a bad reputation.

I don’t really know what to expect in my research. I have high hopes that my exact questions are answered but there’s a chance I wont find them or wont be straight forward. Its a topic thats talked about but from what I’ve tried to research it wont come easy.

If my research goes against what I expected I wouldn’t throw it out. I would throw it out if it isn’t enough information or if i feel its repeated I will throw it out. I would try to write about it anyways not everything is supposed to go how you expect.