• Who’s the author? What do we know about this person? This  organization? How do we know that (figure it out from  the language they use, from the creator of the  website, from research and information from somewhere else)? What is their attitude toward the subject or the  world in general? How do we figure that out? What is their authority for writing this?
      The author of this article is Doug T. Graham. This person is a staff writer for the Chicago Daily Herald. The organization is in essay format excluding the introduction, there is a body and conclusion. The writer uses no specific language to indicate their feelings, the language is very formal. They have no specific attitude toward the subject because it seems like an informative article rather than an opinionated one. Their authority for writing this is to inform people on the injustice in the criminal justice system in the United States. 
    • Who’s their audience? Who is the primary audience? What other audience besides a primary one might there be? What makes you say that? What audiences do you think the author is ignoring?
      The primary audience would be people who are imprisoned currently for crimes they did not commit. Other audiences may be lawyers, judges, prosecutors, law enforcement, and employees apart of the criminal justice system. 
    • What’s the occasion? Why did the author create this text at this particular moment? What is the context? Where was it shown/published?
      The author created this text at this particular moment because Herman Williams was released around that time. It was published in the Chicago Daily Herald. 
    • What’s the purpose?  What was the author trying to accomplish?
      The purpose of the author writing this is to inform people about the mistakes our so called “advanced criminal justice system” makes.
    • What’s the genre? Why use it? What made this genre the best one to address their audience? What are the conventions of this genre – the things everybody expects to find? How does this  author change some of those conventions? Why did they change them?
      The genre is it’s an article, non-fictional. This genre made it the best to address their audience because it is informative. 
    • What is the tone? How can you tell the creator’s feelings by the words and phrases, or the visuals and audio, that were  chosen
      There is no specific tone for this article. 
    • Relevance: Does it help you answer your question?
      It does not help answer my question

Accuracy: Can you verify this information anywhere else? Is there evidence to support their position? Have they cited other authorities/experts?
Yes I can verify this information else where. They have no position in the article. They have cited out authorities/experts. 

“Gurnee man released from prison after judge vacates life sentence in 1993 murder”. advance.lexis.com/api/document?collection=news&id=urn:contentItem:66B9-4471-DY6F-J2CF-00000-00&context=1516831. Accessed October 13, 2022.

Response to Comments

After listening to the comments I understand I have a few things to work on. One of those things is organizing my writing better, instead of clamping up all information into different paragraphs. I should start the introduction off with a quote or an attention grabber. Also work on transitioning, I moved into the conclusion to fast without any transition. I hop from one idea to the next without transitioning and elaborating. Also I should not switch up on past tense and present tense verbs in the same sentence it is very confusing. I should also elaborate more on my conclusion and not move too fast from one idea to another. I will use these suggestions to help revise my Unit 1 essay by tweaking my introduction, moving certain sentences around. In addition, I will elaborate on the conclusion and stick to one idea and elaborate on it. I will also use these suggestions to help me with Unit 2 by going back to these comments and looking back on my mistakes to help me learn from them and fix them.