Education is very important to me and everyone this world.  Education will teach you about your history and future its will have you learn how to became successful in life. Education will make you learn another language  it’s will make you understand someone who is not  in your social class. Education is important and interesting because you can learn about something you never thought there was. Education can also affect the way you learn or feel about something. To add on, education is  very different to everyone some people learn differently. A great example is some people take longer periods of time to learn about an important topic and another will learn it’s quickly  its depend on the person learning capacity. Education go way back to the time where people use to learn from the oldest person in their town.

Education has impact me in a lot of way that have made me a better person life.  For example, when I first came to this country I didn’t know how to speak English and it affect me in a good way because everyday after school  my cousin would  take me to the liberty to  read books in English to learn the language this was my first time education impact me  in this country which changed me so much. To add on, education has though me how to became more successful in life like how I can take something from my past teachers and used that in the real world.  There has been many scenarios where I know the education I recent from school has made so  different in facts many time I’m able understand something or topic I had no idea about due to my education. One scenario I will never forget about is when I field out an  application for my current job and the first thing they ask me was  if I spoke english and Spanish.  I knew all that time my cousin and teachers took to teach me how to  speak English was paying off and if they knew I was using the methods they taught me they would be so proud of me. It’s amazing how the methods a teacher or an important person in life can help you in the real world or even  show you something where you can use in a jobs or building in a protect later in life. This is why you should always try to remember methods of eduction your teacher taught you as a student.

My education journey  has two culture that are are very different from one to another and the one that I used the most is my English education. This journey of my life has not been easy that I have struggle so much with some teachers that would not give me the chance of  showing my potential. In addition I’m  never going to forget the time where I was in a class and the teacher I had  at the time was explained to all my classmates  the grade he estimated they we’re going  to get when they took the state test and when he got to my name he said “Chantal I believe you are going to get a 1 out of 4” that sentence broke me in piece because the last 6 months I had spend my time  after school and in school studying so I could  get the higher grade then last year. Then the score  of the state test came back and I recent a 3 out 4 which took me and that teacher out of surprise because I was not believing in myself and was letting someone who didn’t believe me bring me down and my education which impact me.

The future of my education will be great I can feel its’s from mile away due to all the skill and method I have learn throughout my education journey. I knew that all the struggle I have past will be worth it because I will have that jobs I also dream of where  I am valued as much as everyone else there. Also, when I showed my mother who has supported me throughout of my life the college diploma I knew she will be proud of me and the sacrifice she has made me for me will pay off.  I am realizing how important to it is to have a education where you attend college in order to be financially stable in this society.  It’s really upset about some jobs won’t hiring you because of the level of education you have and that showing me how need to get a college degree which changed everything. To add on,  I will use all the help and resources I get from my teachers in order to have a successful time in college.

To sum up my education journey I came a long way and I still have a long way to go and I know one day I will look back at this and remember all those hard days at school where I had to study one or one with friends  in order so I could past those exam. This journey of my life will never stop because I strongly believe we as human never stop learn from things like the new technology we have now that taking over the world or when you start enter a new chapter of your life which will teach a lot of new things you never knew about. In addition,  I know that my education journey will follow me for the rest of my life but  it’s my choice if I would wanted everyone to learn the skills and methods I have learn throughout the years. Also, I’m not scared of still learning new thing and showing them around to people who I might knew it’s going to help them like it’s did with me. This essay has made me see how much my education has changed for the better since I came to live in the United State which show me about amazing education really is and how I should take advantage of this opportunity I have.