1.What do l do well in this assignment? (List one or more aspects).

Somethings that I did really well on this assignment was telling the story in chronological order. This was kind of hard to do because this incident did happen a long time ago and I was really young but I was still able to piece together the events starting from the beginning.

2. What is my main point? What is the “so what” of this paper?

My main point of the paper was that to show that you shouldn’t let your past experiences or the things that people say to bring you down affect you and stop you from reaching your goal.

 3. Who is my audience? Do I use the right language and tone to reach that audience?

My audience was mostly teens or people still in school especially immigrants  that are having a hard keeping up in school because I too struggled a lot in school when I first came to the US.  Yes I do believe I used the right language and tone to reach the audience because I told my story in a way that it was easy to understand and others could relate to.

4. What specific part(s) of the essay were a bit confusing? Why?

some parts of the essay that were a bit confusing and I do plan to fix in my revision was the ending of my essay because towards the end of my essay I started talking about how I began to do better in school but I didn’t really go into detail on how that started to happen or how I began to do better.

5 . What specifically could I do to clarify the unclear parts of this writing? * (see below for suggestions)

What I could do to clarify the unclear parts of this writing is add an extra paragraph before the ending paragraph further explaining how I began to start to do better in school, like my mom started tutoring me at home etc.

6. What details, facts, or stories could you add to enhance the essay?

details, facts or stories I could add to enhance the essay is talk more in detail about my struggles in school and how I over came them or why I was struggling so much.

7. What specific detail(s) do not work could be cut from the essay  or could be moved within the essay for more clarity?

There’s nothing from this essay I feel the need to cut or feel like they need to be moved around, I only plan to add more to my essay to Make it clearer.