Finding Your Voice

In-class, Tuesday Dec 13

  1. Padlet:
  2. The Maker’s Eye:
  3. Go to your final draft of Unit One.
    • Read through it
    • Answer the following questions (you can do this on a piece of paper and take a photo, or answer in the comments on the Open Lab)
        1. What do l do well in this assignment? (List one or more aspects.)
        2. What is my main point? What is the “so what” of this paper?
        3. Who is my audience? Do I use the right language and tone to reach that audience?
        4. What specific part(s) of the essay were a bit confusing? Why?
        5. What specifically could I do to clarify the unclear parts of this writing? * (see below for suggestions)
        6. What details, facts, or stories could you add to enhance the essay?
        7. What specific detail(s) do not work could be cut from the essay  or could be moved within the essay for more clarity?

1 Comment

  1. Briana

    Briana U

    1. I felt like I did really well on being descriptive on my unit 1 essay. I used a lot of details and imagery. 
    2. I felt kind my audience was for people who felt like they were “dumb” or not enough because of school and grades. I used my experiences to relate with people who ever felt that way. 
    3. I feel like my last paragraph was a bit confusing. There’s a huge gap where I should have written more and not rush to finish the essay. I can see why some people might be confused when reading it. I need to fix it and write what I’m missing. 
    4. I will definitely go into more detail on how I overcame the pressure of school and the experience of getting a high grade for the first time felt like. 

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