Samuel Yarde 12/3/22
Depression can hit people in many different ways, but I’m going to explain a few of what people go through. Depression affects people and kids, but nobody pays attention to when it affects kids. Society believes that kids are too young to go through depression but you’re never too young to experience certain things in life.
Depression in parents is just as bad with kids with depression. Parental depression can affect kids and the significant other or even ruin the relationship. I feel like the woman with parental depression gets looked at as the one that needs help because society makes women noticeable when they are facing depression. The male figure on the other hand doesn’t get looked at because in society as a man they are supposed to fight it out. Mental Health is a big thing and not only one gender is supposed to be looked at as more important than the other. Parents are even to neglect their own kids while going through depression or change their behavior around them.
Another way depression affected people was when covid was at its prime. Covid played a big role in depression, during the 2020-2021 lockdown many people were stuck in their homes, people were stressed out at the fact they couldn’t go anywhere. Many places were shut down and many people lost their jobs. A Lot of people felt isolated from the world and it even took people’s communication skills. Many people worked online or did online school and it had its difficulties. I feel like people that were stuck in their house faced a lot of depression for being away from the outside for too long. But as times are clearing up people are starting to be more outside and open.
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