I want to teach my audience the power of music in video games.  The audience I’m trying to reach is the game developer, and people who consume the media of games, and anyone interested in the topic. I plan to make a video essay. I plan to start constructing the bones of it first to figure out how to make a video packed with information and somewhat entertaining to watch. But I have a really good idea for accomplishing that first step: entertainingly editing the video. Then I have to choose good examples for my point that will work with the video my creating but I have a good bunch of choices like undertale, red dead 2 hollow knight, bloodborne and the dark soul trilogy, and maybe Black ops 3. I just have to choose the right ones, the ones that can make the audience interested in the video. The only I’m kind of worried about is finishing on time but if I follow my plan I should finish on time and if I start thinking of how I should build the bones of my video now and jotting down whatever comes to me, I should be in pretty good standing.