Hi everyone! For Tuesday, please:

  1. Post the schedules you wrote in class for Unit 3 (that is, what is your plan, class by class, to have a RD for Unit 3 by Dec 1 and a Final Draft by Dec 6?)
  2. Do what you gave yourself as homework for this weekend!
  3. Write 2-3 sentences explaining what you did and how it went.


For those of you who missed class, please write yourself a plan for Unit 3. These are the remaining homework days (including today) that we have until it is due: 

  • Nov 17 (today– you have a weekend to work) 
  • Nov 22 (then you have thanksgiving break– a week until the next class)
  • Nov 29 (your Rough Draft is due on the next class. What do you want your RD to look like? You’ll need to bring something in to share and workshop)
  • Dec 1 (Rough draft– you will have the weekend to finish your project)
  • Dec 6 (Unit 3 is due!)