Finding Your Voice

Briana Urena- Unit 3 Proposal

For my unit 3 proposal, I want to teach my audience that pet store chains and wildLife trafficking need to be stopped.Ā I was surprised to learn that most people didnā€™t know exotic animals were being mistreated in pet stores. I really think this topic should be spoken about more and we should work as a community to stop them from selling anymore live animals. Rodents, reptiles, birds, and more suffer through horrible mistreatment daily in the hands of these companies. Ive learned that PETAĀ  has investigated many big pet store chains such as Petco and Pet smart. They discovered a wide spread of animal suffering. To save money, pet smart employees repeatedly refused to take obviously sick, injured, dying animals for desperately needed veterinary care. A supervisor told PETA’s eyewitness not to tell customers that pet smart buys from Sun Pet; A warehouse that does unexplainable things to these poor animals. PETA discovered dead guinea pigs being left on the floors and cages, birds covered in feces, hamster’s suffering from ā€œwet tailā€ with deadly intestinal diseases and neglected and stressed animals put on the shelves to be sold. Also I learned that wildlife trafficking is a big 19 million dollar business. Criminal networks are profiting in the death of a lot of exotic species. In the wildlife trade, people want profit. They’ll do anything in order to sell these animals and if that means treating them like merchandise and abusing them, They will. Exotic animals like Tigers, chimpanzees, bears, lions, etc are being housed as pets when they are simply not.

The audience I would like to try to reach are future pet owners. We need to inform people on the dangers of buying from these sick companies and educate them on the proper care of exotic animals. Research is needed before getting a pet and It’s a big responsibility. By educating yourself on how to take care of these animals, we can stop them from constantly going to neglectful homes and educating others.Ā 

The genre I want to write in is education nonfiction. I chose this genre in order to teach others of the mistreatment of exotic animals.

To get started, I plan on taking all the information I learned and brainstorming ways I can make something out of it.

I’m not really worried about anything for this project.


  1. Vianca

    I really like the way you structured your emphasis and decided to make your point as clear as possible with your reasoning to back it up. I did a similar project in high school where I talked about animal cruelty in the makeup industry and environmental society, in which it exposes the truth of how factories torment and torture any types of animals and put them into testing for our daily use of products. Also currently in my psychology class we learned about the thinking and process of a chimp learning sign language. Many think thatā€™s cool and ā€œinnovativeā€ but to me that just seems stupid and almost sad to take a wild animal out of its own nature and nurture them to something a human wants to experiment on. Some websites that can be useful can be PETA, cruelty free international, understanding animal research, Koko the talking gorila and more. And just in case of a last minute brainstorm, aside of doing the education nonfiction work you can also do a poster like an AD to portray your thinking more visually. Hope some of this helped and can make your research to this proposal successful.

  2. Muzzamil

    I think your topic is great and your plan to shed light on the mistreatment of exotic animals. I like how you included PETA as a source of evidence to support your claim and reflect upon their findings. I think in your Unit 3 piece you should explain what PETA stands for and what they do exactly. For your genre I think a non-fiction novel is a great idea, but I feel like if your were to do a newspaper article, you can add way more informational and people will be more willing to read since this sounds like a urgent claim you would want your audience to know about. I think your target audience is good because pet owners in general should know about the maltreatment of exotic animals and your piece should advocate them for change.

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