Finding Your Voice

unit 3 proposal

I want to teach my audience how art can impact their lives. More specifically, how it can improve their lives in different ways. Im trying to reach a younger audience, around the ages of 14-17, because I feel like this is usually the time in a teens life where they can develop who they are as a person. My goal is to inform my audience about how art can impact their lives, so I would be writing in a informative genre. To get started I think I will brainstorm what I want some of my points to be throughout the writing. I would make sure these points tie back to my main point however so that the writing flows. I would also write down these points so that I keep them documented, also in case I need to edit or change them. Then ill get started with my first draft by putting down all the brainstormed thoughts together. I might be worried about sounding too much like my unit 2 project since they are both similar or in a way, the same topics. Im also worried about choosing the wrong genre or audience in the beginning because having to change it later might force me to make other changes in the project, so I rather get everything right at first so it flows normally, however this is very unlikely.


  1. Coumba Diallo

    I love the way your proposal sounds it’s very understanding. I think you should also add how art makes you feel. You want to tell readers how you connected to art so they can know also. I also think it would be cool if you added your art pieces it will definitely grab viewers attention more. Even if you write how the art made you feel while drawing it would be cool. -Coumba

  2. Muzzamil

    I like your goal of this piece to teach the younger generation the importance of art and how beneficial it can be to them in the future. I think art is a broad topic and if you are trying to write a peice it can be really hard to get your reader to try to understand what you are trying to convey. I think that you should narrow it down to what type of art is important for kids to learn and how they could find use of it. Also what kind of genre are you going to use in order to convey your message? I think you should make that clear. I believe that you should do a song, because not only can it convey your message in a clear and concise way it could be a a good song that your audience would want to listen to. I think that your plan of brainstorming and writing a rough draft can be beneficial to you and it could further assist you with this assignment and it is something I would use as well.

  3. Briana

    I really like your Unit 3 proposal. When you said art impacts people’s live, I would like to know more on why? or how does it impact people’s lives? Also I was wondering if art is impactful because of not only the art itself but the artist behind it. Also is there an article or evidence that says 14-17 year olds are more impacted by art than others? I think that finding evidence for that will really strengthen your proposal. Also I wondering if you were impacted by art and how so? Was it because of the artist or the art? I think you writing in the informative genre is a good idea because it will teach your audience about the history of art and how many lives were affected by the beauty of art. In your proposal I would like to see more art works that impacted your life or probably a person’s story on why art is important.

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