I want to teach my audience about streetwear specially what it’s about and the background information about it like how it started. The most important thing I learned in unit 2 is about how streetwear has evolved and that’s a point I want to get across. The audience I am trying to reach is around my age, teenagers and people who go to school because that’s what streetwear’s audience mostly targets. Furthermore, younger people has the most interest into streetwear which would be a way to express themselves. I’m planning on making a google slide show focusing summarizing what streetwear is and the basic background information on how it started, where it started, and where it might be going. Also, I can add images to better off show my points that I will be making about my topic. A concern I have for finishing this project would be presenting the project. Even if it’s from our seats, I’m not the most comfortable speaking in front of the class. I feel just a little pressured.