Introduction: I have always been interested in the way money works and a little bit of how numbers transform with different occurrences. Having some knowledge to economics and mostly money, this will help not only me but anyone in life for how they do their daily life , so on and so forth. I’m not the best at math but I also know my ways into understanding it my own way and visually learning the different ways values work.  The only reason I’d want to learn about stocks is to possibly include myself into it and consider it an “investment” or even a motive for people like me to understand their way with money especially either now in school, work or regular life. What I expect to find in my research is less about algebraic math and more about statistical math. Math is math but I’m pretty sure it’ll also consider at least less math and more of something else such as literature and acknowledgement with financial independency , different skills that will be helpful in the journey of  financial literacy and your reasons as to why you should start now (start your finical process with investment, budgeting etc.)  What I’d do if I find info that goes against what I expected is to actually use it for my  own advantage and see the difference of what the topic is and learning and understanding from that topic . I’d use that opposite and see what I can actually take out of that for my own benefit and learn more from what I don’t already know of to expand that funicular literacy that I am trying to look for when it comes to should college students (or people my age) have knowledge with financial  literacy

“Smith , Michael  C. Stock Market Trading Simulations: Assessing the Impact on Student Learning.”

Summary: The stock market is a very picky place for any individual for whatever knowledgement  you already have financially.  Anyone has the opportunity to invest $50-$1,000 into a shareholder to gain profit , knowledge and experience so picking and choosing exactly what you will be investing in has to be one of the most challenging experiences to go through. In this  article by C. Micheal smith , he talks about the basics of investment when it comes to basically the youth. From the lectures that students are in for business managements (or any other advanced  major) to a simulation test being run to see what is the rate/trend with students and investments in life. He makes sure to make his point clear that not all the time learning about stocks/business has to be the classic industrial way just because their mentor learned it that way and is teaching it to you like that. It’s all about the mind and truly understanding the full capacity of what you can gain out of economics and not some random website that claims they’ll help you learn  especially the younger generations whoms minds wear off to other things than can come off as materialistic and just money talk. He has these numerous in depth hypothesis of this experimental trials he’s working on to compare the difference between the industrial learning of economics  with grown men to those young ones with possibly no type of knowledge in  financial literacy.

Rhetorical analysis: The author C. Micheal smith Is a psychologist who decided to make this article visible for others to know about. We know he’s a psychologist because of how he decides to put two and two together and do a trial where he try’s to prove his theory for  students with knowledge or no knowledge of financial literacy and that they are  still capable  of learning economics even through a simulated learning activity. They are pretty confident and mostly calm in the information that he can gain from this experiment  and toward their  perspective of learning new things that most people think you can only get out of in a degree . Their primary audience does consist more of college students so it can grab their attention that people like them who are in school either struggling are being tested to just be themselves and not worry if they pass or fail something that they have or want  to learn of . Even adults can have this amount of recognition not only necessarily young adults But I do believe that the author is ignoring mostly the youngest people such as high schoolers , let alone women. In his experiment he did say just mostly about men’s knowledge in a business class. The author decided to make this a thing because of how this generation is expanding to bigger  and brighter  ideas and how you can take advantage of learning something new even if you are bad at it and make it into something that is way more beneficial for you than what you think. To not underestimate yourself because of what they have entitled you for. The genre is mainly just descriptive , theoretical, and argumentative/persuasive. This can grab the readers attention to know more about the whys and how’s of this topic because although there is a lot of information it doesn’t overwhelm you to be bored of knowing something new . Again the tone is informative yet confident in the processes and it also makes the reader understand the authors perspective of his experiment

Quote sandwhich: In “Stock Market Trading Simulations: Assessing the Impact on Student Learning.” The author states key components to his research and how his theory came about for how students of any kind, learn mostly about the stock market and how to handle it in a  more common way for them over a longer and more rigorous assignment in class. He states “As mentioned previously, the current generation of college student seems to learn and respond better to the opportunities to experience the classroom concepts than previous generations, making the inclusion of experiential activities even more beneficial and welcomed by students. Interestingly, this simulation assignment is conducted outside the classroom and students are voluntarily utilizing the resource to expand their learning. In this college investments course, the inclusion of the experiential trading simulation appears to have increased student learning substantially. Students who have participated in the simulation not only earn higher overall course grades, but also appear to increase their own personal knowledge of investments at a superior level to those who do not participate in the simulation.” (Smith,7). In this example he is pointing out how his hypothesis was correct when trying to say that students learn better the more modernized way over an industrial way and over experience and habit, they learn better visually and hands on. Smiths point is a great way to see the new generation of students and their learning habits due to many of them (us) coming from different origins and different learning experiences so learning from this article made me realize that some complex things are sometimes better learned an Easier and diverse way

“Calderaro , Ryan. Why Every College Student Should Start Investing,”

Summary: Being financially stable is a competition  between yourself and money, especially when you’re young already stepping into adult hood. This article by Ryan Calderaro, he states different points as to why and how you should invest while in college with those reasons mainly being about turning it into a hobby, letting it be your reassurance for less financial responsibility,  turning your money that you now have into big investments with savings, incomes and more and learning the different methods with economical growth. These are all good points pinned into one main idea that saving will be better now so you have the idea of being financially independent and learning how to handle your finances. Students gain experience with their knowledge in stocks , statistics and other research by  knowing what specific routes to go to( starting 401k, selling stocks,etc) and actually acting out on the roles of learning the stock system and other relatable financial skills. The text also is filled with tips and tricks of where to start when you’re feeling lost and to know that everything takes its own time to a to be successful but with the correct acknowledgment for yourself and tools, contributing to the literacy within finance can be an upbringing to any academically and or hardworking student

Rhetorical– the author Ryan Calderaro is a college student at Cabrini university in which he wrote his “blog” to bring awareness to broke college students and why they should invest. We know he’s a college student cuz he dudes a lot of language such as “us college students “ or “don’t worry I didn’t either before I started” when talking about investing in a  fund. He generally makes noticeable that he’s not here to only persuade the reader to actually start saving, but he’s actually calm and self explanatory with his information. He mainly target college students who just started college or already finishing and convincing them to start saving that penny because you never know what the future holds for you. he decided to make this a thing because of how the economy was and still is due to the time of this article being published was beginning- mid of covid and that was the peak of a lot of financial downfalls worldwide in a lot of places not only economically with jobs but with the educational system as well. It was published in the schools website in where it shows other blogs from other students whom want to share other ideas they have for other things. He conveys a point of understanding and wanting to understand more of why saving and spending can sometimes be a very good fit when it comes to investing. He’s pretty calm yet inviting , the author gives reassurance as if he’s actually talking to the reader which can give a lot of comfort knowing that maybe you’re not alone and other have gone and are going through the same thing you are going through.

Quote sand which: The text states “Now, why should you spend your time doing all of this? Well, for me, there are 3 reasons: as a hobby, to learn and gain experience in the market, and to make money. I assume the one that catches most peoples’ eyes is money. Yes, the basic idea of the stock market is to invest money and hopefully make more money. Besides that, I actually find it fun to do, and I strive to gain experience and knowledge that I can utilize for the rest of my life.” The author puts his own pov that basic understanding of wide spread ideas aren’t always as bad. Math can seem pretty scary with a lot of numbers , references, and words , but that’s not what it’s always about in fact the majority and whole idea of being finically literate has little to no math at all. It’s mostly just actually understanding how to split your money into wants vs needs and being reasonable with yourself .  As Ryan is correct when it comes to finding your way to be finically literate he claims that his source isn’t financial advise and although it is just a blog, he doesn’t realize that it actually gave a lot of meaning and descriptive instruction to becoming finically literate with shareholding and other effective skills when distributing your savings to stock markets and other trace funds.

Financial Literacy for College Students: Unigo.”, 19 July 2022,,the%20importance%20of%20saving%20for%20a%20rainy%20day.

Summary: College life is different for various people depending on where you are studying, what you are studying and how are you studying. Managing the functionality with your life and your education takes a lot of effort when it comes mostly to Independency. Financial literacy is the study in which you have the understanding of different branches and alternatives to finances and what you have to deal with, short and long term. This article makes sure to point out the key guidance’s into improving your knowledge with money management and the basics into saving and being tactical with your present and future expenses. 

Rhetorical analysis– Reading through this article and looking through the website, it doesn’t seem like it has one specific author more like blogs from possibly unknow people, but what i can say is that they give out information mainly about students and their journey throughout chasing their career and more. Is the information accurate? it can be due to it being bias, but the unknown author really doesn’t help how who or why they are trying to do this website besides them helping college students. i do believe they sometimes talk about their personal experience due to them sating “Twelve years after starting college in 2003–04” giving the idea that they are putting their Pov and experience into what they are trying to say. their audience is mainly people in high school, going to college in college, and even graduates still seeking financial help. I believe he is forgetting also people who maybe don’t go to school and better off just work in the process of gaining stability, what are ways that can help them or is financial literacy with investment and its expansion only available for those who study for it or wish to know/learn more about it . The purpose is  to propose an ongoing safe and reliable way of thinking when dealing with money for future references. The struggle will always appear but maybe being smart with your way around money can help you get out of a situation you can be put into. This genre is more of a blog/short read to not bore the reader into so much information and more of the actual ways to learn and take action with what you are trying to take out of financial literacy. The tone is set more to a calm and reasonable attitude for how things are approached when dealing with business. The author also does highlight/link other resources from either the same website or other informative articles to support their claim and info.

Quote sandwich:The author points out that “Twelve years after starting college in 2003–04, 27% of college goers had defaulted on one or more student loan debts.  And even students who don’t borrow loans for college may face financial challenges. College students could avoid financial mistakes by learning the skills to make smarter money decisions.”  In other words, the author leans into realistic habits that college students lack the ability to maneuver the way they handle their money when in school and outside of school. Sometimes sacrificing other savings for your future stability has to be a process to undergo when trying to find a way to not stay in debt before during or after college. Rationalizing expenses with your wants vs. your needs is a big step also that has improved my financial literacy and how it can possibly improve others too.

Conclusion:Money has its good sides and bad sides. $1.7 trillion federal student loan debt are in the US alone for students who have borrowed money, asked for student loan forgiveness and in general are trying to pay it off as soon as possible even years after graduating. This research has shown a lot of skill and mainly the whole point in investing is starting now even if it’s with $1 because later on many things and opportunities can lead you right back up, therefore knowing how to deal with both sides is a big improvement and necessity when handling money for a big job, small job, school, or just in general saving/spending. These sources have made me learn a lot of things that I thought I didn’t know about that can be very effective.  I found tactics, skills, and ideas on how I can be financially literate and find my way to have a semi possible good relationship with money. What surprised me was sometimes borrowing money can give you an advantage over a disadvantage of regaining that money to pay off the borrower later. It can be beneficial with building up good credit, an increase in return investment, tax benefits and more, especially if you’re in college and trying to save up, it can lead to great opportunity in your savings account, checking account, Retirment plans even when you’re in college. This is important to know especially if your financially independent and trying to make the best out of it when purchasing a car, home, groceries, insurance, school debt, etc. Good support, patience is key, and acknowledgement when knowing what’s your wants and needs are three big steps that people tend to ignore when trying to stabilize themselves with investment and knowing about financial literacy. High school, college and young adults are people who specifically need to know about this especially, those with money habits that can later on put them into tight positions when dealing with business, or maybe just someone who just started working and wants to know what they should do with their money while investing.