
        In conclusion, these articles have shown a lot of similarities. From cities in America to cities in South East Asia, it is proven that urban settings need more effective sustainability. For a person living in one of the biggest cities, I found it very informative and educational. Simple things like taking public transportation can help a lot for our environment. Like what the author quoted from the article in source #3 “Human and nature must coexist. One without the other is meaningless. There’s no two ways about it”. It starts with the simple things. Past generations have taught us a lot of things that are more convenient and faster, but we don’t realize that these things have been inconvenient for our planet. We can start by using and promoting green technologies. It may sound complicated because of the use of the word technology but green technology is as simple as recycling and waste management. As well as generating vertical gardens, vertical gardens are walls that contain plants. Using vehicles that do not use fuel, like electric cars. First thing that comes to your mind is Tesla, too expensive! But the local buses that the city has provided are electric buses. Which means they do not use fuel. Starting a change to unlearn old ways and learning new ways for our environment shouldn’t be as complicated as people should think it is. For the people that have more power than regular individuals, using their platforms to corporate more parks and green roofs for buildings.


        As an architecture major, I hope that in the future, I can use my platform to create buildings, parks, and houses that are sustainable for our environment. This research inspired me to be a future architect that cares not only for the customers and the aesthetic of a building, but how this building reacts with the environment. It can be as simple as using eco-friendly materials, a design that connects with nature, and creating a design that uses renewable energy. For someone that has more years to live on this planet than older generations that have created this issue and have been ignoring it, it is only right for me to be educated in this topic by these articles. These articles helped me understand the current situation of cities and how it contributes to climate change. Most importantly, it taught me that learning new ways to help fight climate change isn’t as complicated as we always thought it was.