Transforming the system



This site talked about the different ways that cops should/can handle themselves in certain situations. It mentioned so may rules/ guidelines that is clearly stated and in need of precautions, in one of the paragraph they mentioned that in most cases police officers do violate the rules of doing their jobs which they have not being in the wrong for. “Police officers should be accountable public servants who work collaboratively, transparently, and fairly with all of the communities they serve. Too often, police departments and officers violate their role in the community and abuse their power by engaging in acts of excessive force; acting in an increasingly militarized capacity; abusing asset forfeiture policies; and routinely stopping and frisking entire communities, among other practices” To restate what this quoted said is that in a lot of activities when police officers doesn’t handle their self in a positive manner they attempt to not get overlooked for what they done did, And they also talked how when it comes for them to be accountable is being able to do their work in a positive manner without abusing the power that they have. And in this articles they mentioned a lot of ways that these cops should be held accountable.

Rhetorical analysis:

In this website someways they mentioned on how these cops should take accountability for themselves and should be held accountable in general. Community-based accountability is another way to building community trust and keeping police accountable, by Creating clear procedures by which police officers provide information to and are transparent about their practices. I really think its safe that they have a better approach to their victims or anybody that they are interacting with in general in a situation and some ways in the articles they feels like would be positive is “require police officers to provide their name, badge number, and an informative card on how to report complaints to people with which they interact. This can also include wearing body cameras with adequate privacy protections for the public and strengthening the right of civilians to record police interactions.” I think all of these are important because when a situation goes down, if not any cameras near the location body camera can detect what really happened to whoever the cops was interacting with. Name is also important in terms of who was involved, another way that these police officers can be held accountable is through civil lawsuits. Civil lawsuits are one of the many ways in my research to hold police officers accountable for their actions. In the text it stated “In order to truly hold police accountable for bad acts, civilians must be able to bring, and win, civil rights suits themselves.. In order to both bring and win civil rights suits, civilians need a level playing field in court.” I really do think these punishment as the law is what needs to happen because in serious cases they find them not guilty, and that is something families have to live with, Knowing they lost their other half. I also do believe another to hold the police officers accountable for their action is remove them from the field in general, the reason for is getting trained is by far the main thing that is being teaches but doing your job wrong, there’s no going back for that I do honestly believe you break the rules badges should be taken and fired from any police positions.