After spending more than 5 hours looking researching how has baseball become a global phenomenon I found out that baseball is more than a spot for some people like me, baseball can a lot of things in a person’s life, for example in article number two we can see how people in Venezuela are using baseball phrases used of using normal words. I also found how that for every country baseball is a different story and had a similar impact on the people. For countries like Dominican Republic and Venezuela even though baseball is not their sport now a day baseball is a sport that represents who they are and are the main sport in their countries.  Here in the United States, we all know how baseball especially here in New York where we have two of the best teams in the games the average of people that go to a New York Yankee game is 40,207, and for the Mets is 33,308, these are top three and top six in 2022.  A lot of things surprised something that surprised me and how to have a different story on how it because a phenomenon in every country, for example in D.R baseball was first played because two brothers Cuba came to D.R play a game and people liked it so much to that it because the country number one sport. Another that surprised me is how much the game of baseball has grown and how much it has changed before there was a league for black people called “The Negro League” and a league for white people. Now day people from every country and every color, baseball has also grown a lot, in 2022 more than 108 million people attended to a baseball without counting the postseason. I need a lot of important things that for a baseball fan can mean a lot because for me baseball is like a girlfriend, I want to know everything, and I want to know where she is from and all of that. I think that the people that need to know this are people who are big baseball fans and want to know how the game is not only in the United States but in there are important countries to the sport like Venezuela and the Dominican Republic.