Source: CDC. “Health Effects of Marijuana.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2 June 2021,

The article, “Health Effects of Marjiuana” discusses the different ways of how marijuana effect different parts of body. The article states, “Marijuana can make the heart beat faster and can make blood pressure higher immediately after use.It could also lead to increased risk of stroke, heart disease, and other vascular diseases. Most of the scientific studies linking marijuana to heart attacks and strokes are based on reports from people who smoked marijuana (as opposed to other methods of using it). Smoked marijuana delivers tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other cannabinoids to the body. Marijuana smoke also delivers many of the same substances researchers have found in tobacco smoke—these substances are harmful to the lungs and cardiovascular system.” This meaning that smoking marijuana is bad not only to your respiratory system but also your cardiovascular system. Smoking marijuana can increase your chances in having a stroke, heart attack etc because of the increase of blood pressure after use of such drug. According to the CDC it states, “Smoked marijuana, regardless of how it is smoked, can harm lung tissues and cause scarring and damage to small blood vessels. Smoke from marijuana has many of the same toxins, irritants, and carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals) as tobacco smoke.5 Smoking marijuana can also lead to a greater risk of bronchitis, cough, and mucus production, though these symptoms generally improve when marijuana smokers quit.” Smoking this causes intraition in the chest which causes trouble breathing and etc when started. These lung issues can later led on to bronchitis, mucus productions , or emphysema ( steming from shortness of breath). All of these potential symptoms will only result in death if not careful. Whether you smoke a joint, a bong, a bowl, or blunt all of the side effect will still remain the same.

Rhetorical Analysis: “Health Effects of Marijuana” was created by the CDC. The CDC (Centers of Disease Control and Prevention) is a national public agency of the United States. The CDC is one of the best science based organizations in the world. The CDC helps give knowledge of health related diseases, illness, or outbreaks like COVID-19. The CDC wants to protect the people from diseases and potential new ones like they have been doing for the pass 70 years. The primary audience is adolescents, teens, and adults who smokes or want to learn more about it. Other audience might include more people who are interested and want to learn the affects of the drug because of one curiosity about the subject. The purpose of this article was to inform the readers of the different side effects marijuana has on someone and the things it can do it the human body. The genre of this article is nonfiction because it gives us nothing about facts about this drug that can be verified in real life. This is the best genre to address the audience because it is facts that can be backed up by other sources without bias and/or opinions. The author’s tone is very informative in the way it was written because no words that resemble opinion or personal feeling was used. This answers my question because it clearly shows and states what marijuana does to the body without any biased opinions. This can be verified through other sites like the one the CDC has sited. CDC used references which is located at the bottom of the article.