First of all, I forgot to say…..

Halloween Ducks GIF - Halloween Ducks Huey GIFs

I hope you all have a great weekend!!

Second of all, for Tuesday, please post your conclusion for your RAB. This is, very simply, what you conclude from all your research (description below)

A note! Don’t skip to this part if you haven’t done all your source entries yet. It just really won’t make any sense.

Conclusion Guidelines:

  • At least 400 words
  • Write in paragraph form (not just a bullet-point list answering the following questions)
  • Summarize what you found in your research
  • Tell readers what surprised you, or how your understanding of your question deepened or changed. (Spoiler: if the answer is “not at all”, you did not do enough research.)
  • Explain why what you learned is important
  • Explain who you think needs to know about it and why (Another spoiler: be specific!  The answer can not be “everyone.”  That is too big of an audience.  Narrow it down to who needs to hear about it first!)