Source #3 – YouTube video ” Ethiopian woman shares truth about the futures women rights” By Blen Sahilu

Summary – In this YouTube video Blen gives us an overview of how women rights in Ethiopia can only be changed when we do something about it. She basically talks about how younger women in Ethiopia now have roll models to look up too. Younger females can say how they can become something else rather than a stay at home mom or a female that doesn’t attend school. She also mentions how society should start seeing women has equals and as capable as men. Blen talks about women in Ethiopia needing to have the understanding and belief that they can become something so they can start to feel more confident in the things they do. Blen also mentions Barack Obama saying how if we had a female like him Ethiopian women would start to have faith. In the YouTube video Blen says ” After the presidency of Barack Obama everyone thought that ” The issue of race has been handled” and the difference that made is going to last a long time” Blen inserts this quote in her interview because she thinking if leadership in women comes about the Ethiopian women would start to think oh there is change when it comes to equality. At the end of the video she also mentions Ethiopia starts to become safe for women and she meant safe by harassment so that women can feel Ethiopia is a safe place for them.

Rhetorical Analysis- This YouTube video was made in fall 2018 for women in Ethiopia to know that they can change the women rights they just have to believe they can. This video is for young females in Ethiopia to know that they can become something and they have other Ethiopian women they can look up too. The purpose of this YouTube video was for Ethiopian women to understand that they have to start believing that they can be something in this world no matter who’s telling them no. The YouTube video used so many images and short mini videos of females in Ethiopia going to school and working outside of home. Blen tone during the interview in the video was very encouraging for viewers to understand that she is serious. The video also uses similarities in the video for viewers to understand what Blen was trying to portray. The effect these choices have on viewers is that maybe women rights can be changed different in the future. I say this because when been mentioned Barack Obama becoming presidency people started to thing racial profiles were ended. So for been to use this in the video it makes me open my eyes on hoe women rights can be changed also by having women leadership.

Key notes – ” Barack Obama becoming president ended racial profiles older women can end women rights for younger females by more women leadership”

” Females need to come together has a sisterhood to end all the inequality in Ethiopia”