This video :

ā€œRamesy , Dave, director. YouTube, 20 Feb. 2020, Accessed 24 Oct. 2022.ā€œ

In this video ā€œshould I invest 20,000 while in collegeā€ gives a unique testimony of a college student , Michael, being well prepared for his future and asking for advice as if he needs it for his finance. Heā€™s sure heā€™ll have a bright future with his upcoming goals in life Ā but his self conscious like any other young adult, gets to him where he thinks maybe he should do something with the money he has already. Daveā€™s only advice was to just keep it there as he will have greater and more things and opportunity les coming up for him and that later on in his life he will know what exactly to do with that money. For example as he states ā€œit is an insurance policy that is more valuable than the investment that it could create, it insures that Michael is going to finish school debt free and that Michael is going to finish school.ā€ Ramesy not only makes sure to reassure Michael that heā€™s financially responsible and will finish school but he also gives out the calmest advice that investment can take things to long term and most importantly realistic goals and not just gaining money and filthy spending. He finishes with the video with his prediction, reassurance and confidence that investing would be the best choice for a college students in order for them to not come out of college broke. Ramesy gave great points that I even took into consideration with my spending habits. Instead of spending on things I donā€™t necessarily need I can always save it and have it as an investment for myself in the future when I actually need it.

rhetorical analysis:

the author of this video is Dave ramesy and he is known for his mentoring skills along with his team for finish good and how to basically not be broke or at least be comfortable with your money. Their audience is anyone from the youngest to oldest ages seeking advice if even how to spend money on food or buying off or investing in their home. It fits anyone criteria no matter the form of state that they are currently in and gives the independency of being economically responsible . The occasion is a young freshmen student not knowing how to stay off his road path to success with his money and what Can be his long term next steps. The purpose Ā is to have basic knowledge of what they donā€™t usually teach in schools and how you can find the help within you if you have the right tools for yourself. Determination, calmness and instructional techniques are the big things that really catches the readers eye and makes them want to know. Mashed the reader think that these people are legit and arenā€™t only sugar coating. Every student maybe isnā€™t as lucky as Michael is but everyone starts from somewhere no matter what.