Source #2:

Kasdan, David Oliver, and Jesse W. Campbell. “Dataveillant Collectivism and the Coronavirus in Korea: Values, Biases, and Socio-Cultural Foundations of Containment Efforts.” Administrative Theory & Praxis (Taylor & Francis Ltd), vol. 42, no. 4, Dec. 2020, pp. 604–13. EBSCOhost,


We examine the covid-19 virus in Korea in this article. The article demonstrates how successfully Korea was able to stop the virus’s spread among its people. It demonstrates how widespread adherence to governmental and public health regulations and directions helps in the pandemic’s suppression. The article argues that a set of biases and social behaviors that support successful containment results are influenced by Korea’s neo-Confucian traditions, continual exposure to various existential dangers, and technology-driven development. This article also demonstrates how other nations can benefit from Korea’s effective methods of managing the virus because they can employ the same techniques to stop its spread. The article states “ In this study, we analyze Korea’s socio-cultural context to shed light on the internal logic of its containment response. Specifically, we link values rooted in Korea’s neo-Confucian culture as well as its more recent developmental experience to a set of behavioral biases. We then argue that these biases have facilitated the adoption and acceptance of policy measures enabling voluntary compliance, mobilization behaviors, and transparency”

Rhetorical analysis:

This Research article is from the administrative theory and praxis. Although the article uses complex word and is a very different language style form typical articles, the way the article is presented makes it easier to understand they deeper one reads into it and with the very detail explanation of each topic and direct quotes from leaders make it more believable as we rea through it. Since this article was published in December of 2020 we can see exactly the importance of the article and its relevance to what the authors are trying to portray, because in December of 2020 although it was not the peak of the covid-19 virus spread, there still plenary of cases and deaths all around the world and other countries had a difficult time containing the virus like the U.S. Since this is a research article it is not as easily accessible as a newsletter or a blog post. To find this article I had to use a library search database which is why the public can’t necessarily be their target audience since it is not a usual way to look up information. Their audience is researchers from countries outside of Korea struggling to contain their virus. Also higher officials who are trying to understand the covid-19 and how political and economical standing has a huge part on the virus. This genre of extensive research makes it more trustworthy and dependent on the readers, making it the finest way to address audiences. The fact that the study and data collection were based on social practices and policies demonstrates how knowledgeable the writers are, and the abundance of references to other studies and other scholars strengthens the validity of this work. The tone of this article is very formal and scholarly. They do this in order to gain the audience’s respect and to suggest that they are serious about their research. Some appeals that they use were logos and ethos. Both of these authors are both credible with plenty of background in the topic they are conducting their research as well as using other sources of info such as relating to other articles connected to theirs as well as quoting some of the sayings from the leader of Korea in order to portray Korea’s containment process. This information can be verified and they have cited plenty of authorities/experts to back up their information at the end of the theory article.  

I am confident that this source will provide me with a comprehensive response to my question and help me with my annotated bibliography. This article offers a different perspective on my topic and sort of counters my question. This is beneficial since it essentially supports my hypothesis that the Covid-19 outbreak was so severe due to American society’s decisions over how to conduct matters. Using this material, I was able to contrast the many strategies Korea used with the American methods and pinpoint exactly what went wrong.

Quote sandwich: 

Korean culture is very unique and full of interesting traditions. Whether it’s food, clothing, education and/or family, Koreans respect each characteristic that makes up their culture and comply with  their social norms. With this, Korea continues to grow economically and technology wise and overall have a better society. In the article, Dataveillant Collectivism and the Coronavirus in Korea: Values, Biases, and Socio-Cultural Foundations of Containment Efforts, it states “Recent survey research suggests that Koreans perceived the severity of the virus as high, though they had more moderate perception of their own susceptibility to it (Lee & You 2020). Safety and social welfare concerns are a high priority in Korea, also finding roots in the Confucian doctrine for collectivist orientation; that is to say people are urged to consider their individual actions in the context of others’ well-being.” The authors essentially claim that Korea has always been on high alert for the virus even when it appeared to be just moderately contagious to them. Their religious convictions compel them to protect others, and as a result, higher officials are more receptive to their obedience. The authors make a strong case for how Korea has faced numerous societal and territorial problems, a large population density, and resource shortages, all of which have put the country on lookout for a virus that could kill people. Additionally, it demonstrates their desire to avoid repeating past errors through their religious convictions to protect others while also maintaining a high level of alertness. This clearly illustrates how Korea was successful in limiting the virus due to their society’s cooperative efforts on behalf of the country.