I’m On a nice sunny beautiful morning, it was a new beginning for me. It was the day I had to start high school. I got up out of bed with this rush of  excitement, but also a nervous feeling. At the same time I didn’t want to get out of bed. I was better off staying home and missing the first day because of the thoughts that were going through my head. What I was thinking weren’t good thoughts at all because of the fact that I was really nervous about my first day. I didn’t think I would make any good friends and I thought highschool would be a bad experience for me. When My mom came into my room to see if I was up and ready for school, she was basically telling me that highschool is going to be a good experience for me and was telling me how I would love it.  She was also saying that highschool isn’t a joke. It isn’t good to miss any days, cut any classes, and to sleep in class. I had started to feel better and I ended up going to school. While I was on my way I had got food and from there I was walking to school now. I had walked in the school and First period came and I had thought about not going because I didn’t want to go in that class. But doing that I would miss any important information about that class. I decided to go and enter the class.

 As weeks went by I started to get bored of classes. What made the classes boring was sitting in class not doing nothing for almost an hour and just listening to the teacher talk. So I decided to start skipping classes. I would start skipping, going late, or even sleeping in class if I had decided to go. Skipping classes started to be more interesting to me because of the fact that I was with my friends. We would always say we are only going to skip for one day. But it started getting more fun so it turned into a week, and it went on and on. when I skipped I would hang out with my friends in the hallways and walk around with them. It was more fun to me than being in class because we would make jokes and we would just interact with each other.  I told myself that I would get it together but I didn’t stay true to my words. With me not being true to my words it only got worse from there. My attendance started getting bad and the motivation to get myself together just wasn’t there.

I had this family group teacher who had found out eventually and we had a talk and told me he was disappointed and how he wants me to do better. He told me that skipping classes isn’t good at all and it would cause me to not graduate on time and even having to repeat the same grade over if I kept it up. He even said if this happened again I will tell your mom. I reacted fast and said “No please Don’t” with quickness. He had said if it happens again then that’s what the next step will be. I eventually went to class for a few weeks. The reason I really went to class was because I didn’t want my mother to know that I was skipping class. But then it started happening again. I was back skipping classes again. You may ask why, it was just fun skipping class and being with my friends in the hallway. When we would walk around the halls and interact, make jokes, and just talk it was better then being in any class. Skipping was fun but I had the thought in the back of my head to make sure all my work is done and keep my grades up. 

 My family group teacher found out that I was skipping again and he immediately told my mom that I was cutting class. I was so nervous about what she would say when I got home. I didn’t know what to expect when I got home. When I got home Me and my mom had a talk and it made me open my eyes up a lot about school and education. She was telling me stuff about how school isn’t a joke and how In order to reach a certain goal in life, that you would need to stay on top of your education. She even told me about her personal life lessons and what she did wrong and how she fixed her actions. After that conversation with my mom I knew that I would start going to class after this and not take it as a joke no more. I would start going to classes and never miss a day. I had a purpose of being in class now because of what my mom had said to me. Even though when I would go to class I would get bored from time to time I would still make the effort of being in class and learning. As the year of my freshman year went on I went to class and didn’t skip any days  and my family group teacher was proud of me.

Then I went into my sophomore year came around. I was still interested in class and learning what I was being taught. When the middle of my sophomore year came around that’s when Covid hit. School had shut down and the only way for us to learn was online through zoom or google meet. My work was mainly on google classroom so I would have to log on there and complete any work that was posted there. Being in bed just going on zo calls from 8 to 2 was really boring so when time went on I eventually stopped going on to my zoom

Calls. I got bored again because it was really no reason to join these calls online just to sit there and just look at a screen.  Sometimes I would go to sleep during the zooms and the teachers would never know because my camera was never on and if my camera was on then it would be pointed at the ceiling. I couldn’t really focus like that anyways because it was me being homeschooled basically and I wasn’t really learning anything at all. The teachers would just talk and talk and I wouldn’t really learn anything from it. I would only just go to google classroom and do the work that they assign to me and turn it on that day its due or whenever it’s due. The whole Covid pandemic thing went on into my junior year And we was still going on zoom and being home staring at a screen all day. It was a good think I was home but I missed my friends. I was doing good and going to my classes for the most part over zoom though. I started to lose interest of the zoom calls again. I wouldn’t go on to any calls because I got tired of it. joining calls just to sit there and do nothing was boring to me. Getting a good grade is what mattered to me anyways. 

Then my senior year came. The stay at home thing and joining zoom calls was over. I was finally back in school and I finally got to see my friends again after a whole year and some months. I was going to all my classes this year because I had motivation. That motivation was really to graduate on time because I was a senior and I wanted to get out is highschool as soon a possible. Eventually I had all my credits, and it was no point in me going to my class. I was generally attached now to learning and more focused than ever. I paid more attention and learned a lot more when I was in class and just engaging with the teacher. This year really showed me why I should be more interested in school, mainly because I was a senior and I wanted to get out of there. Towards the ending of the school year I would skip some classes here and there because I had all my credits and I didn’t really need to go to any of my classes. But I snapped out of it and I stopped skipping class and went back because skipping class my senior year wouldn’t be a good look for me. When it was time for senior day we had an award ceremony for all the seniors in my school, and all the teachers was giving out awards. when it was my family group teachers times to give out awards he was reading out an award that was saying stuff like the most improved student from 9th grade till now. And when he said my name I smiled and my eyes opened with shock and excitement. I walked up and took the award and gave him a hug and I was grateful for the award being I didn’t expect to get that award because I was skipping class. But I was the only one that got that type of award which was surprising. I didn’t think I would make it this far but I ended up graduated highschool and now I am into my freshman year of college. If it’s someone to thank I would thank my mom and my family group teacher because of the talks I have had with them and they have taught me how education is serious. I am more proud of myself than anything because I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for myself as well. I learned from these bad habits and I learned that school was important and was needed in order for me to succeed in life. Education made me realize that we need to make students feel engaged and help them feel like they’re a part of something.