On a nice sunny beautiful morning, it was a new beginning for me I get up out of bed  with excitement, but also a nervous feeling. I didnt want to get out of bed. I wanted to stay home and misse the first day because of the thoughts that was going through my head. I didn’t think I would make any friends and I thought highschool wouldn’t go good for me. My mom was telling me education isn’t to be taken as a joke and highschool is important. Dont miss any days, don’t cut any classes and don’t sleep in class. First period came and I had thoughts about not going because I didn’t want to go in that class. But doing that I would miss any important information about that class. I decided to go and enter the class. As weeks go by I started to get bored of classes. I would start skipping, going late, or even sleeping in class if I had decided to go. It would turn into me saying I’m going to o to do it for one day, then it would turn into a week, then a month, and it went on and on. I didn’t really pay mind to that if I was going to miss class that I’m going to miss out on what I am suppose to learn. I told myself that I would get it together but I didn’t stay true to my words. It really became a big thing with me not going to class. My attendance started getting bad and the motivation to get myself together just wasn’t there. I had this family group teacher who had found out eventually and we had a talk and told me he was disappointed and how he wants me to do better. He even said if this happened again I will tell your mom. I reacted fast and said “No Don’t” with the quickness and he said they don’t let it happen again. I eventually went to class for a few weeks but then it started happening again. Why you may ask? I have no Idea why I started doing it again but it was fun not going to class. Nobody really influenced me to skip I just wanted to do it on my own. classes were just not worth going to me. I would balance out keeping my grades up and no going to class. So my grades would be up but I would not go to class. I had only missed one credit so far and when me and my family group teacher saw that he immediately said if you miss another credit you might not be on track to graduate. I made up the credit over the summer for a week of class. But he immediately saw the added on absences and he knew I was cutting class again when he was passing out transcripts showing me that I wa a missing a credit so he had told my mom and That immediately opened up my eyes. Me being nervous about what she will say I didn’t know what to expect when I got home.  I knew that I would start going to class after this and not take it as a joke no more. Me and my mom had a talk and it made me open my eyes up a lot about school and education. After that day I would start going to classes and never miss a day. You may ask did you skip some classes here and there? Yes I have but I didn’t do it as much as I did before. As the year went on I went to class more and my family group teacher was proud of me which made me smile.Then I went into my sophomore year but then Covid hit as I got into my mid sophomore year. The only way for me to go to class was zoom or google meet and do my work off of google classroom? I was still doing good and going to my classes. And it went onto my junior year and then my senior year came. I was still doing good and yes I would skip some classes here and there because I eventually had all my credits and it was no point in me going to my class. But one day we had an award ceremony and when my family group was reading out an award he was saying stuff like the most improved student from 9th grade till now. And when he said my name I smiled and my eyes opened with shock and excitement. I walked up and took the award and gave him a hug and I was grateful for the award being that I was the only one that got that type of award. I didn’t think I would make it this far but I graduated highschool and no I am into my freshman year of college if its someone to thank I would thank my mom and my family group teacher. And I am proud of myself because I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for myself as well.