The cold wind going down my neck making my cheeks red going to school and not knowing its would be the last time I would be seeing this building  again for 2 years. Then getting home that evening and seeing the news reported says that we as a nation were enter pandemic and its was going to stop everything. I was in disbelieeve when I saw that email that change my life explain to students of progress high school that all classes would be online. I was in shock thinking about how I was going to take online classes if I didn’t have a device to do my school works. Also, how I was was going to complete my assignment if I didn’t understand the work or  who I was going to ask  for help if everyone in my house spoke Spanish.

The feeling of being hopeless I felt and the anxiety was eating me alive and not knowing if I would be able to graduation.  All of the people that would judge me like family member, friends , and most important my parents. This events affects my past and future because  its took me out of my comfort zone and limited my capacity of learning around people. This show me how strong I was and that I can overcome anything and I never thought I would live thought a pandemic. To add on, I felt like my world I was falling apart because I had no control of this situation and I try to make the best out of the situation .